We're here now

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Edmund's heart pounded in his chest as he slowly walked down one of the many corrdiors in the How. He couldn't believe he'd done this. He'd gotten distracted by a painting of him smashing Jadis' wand on the wall and hadn't realised that Lucy had continued walking. He'd gone off after her as soon as he'd realised though, but he soon found out that he'd obviously gone the wrong way... and now he was completely and utterly lost.
He swallowed hard as he turned what seemed like the hundreth corner, only to be met with another deserted corridor. Sighing he continued walking anyway, he needed to find someone, anyone would do, but finding one of his siblings would be even better.
Half way down the corrdior though he gasped, his eyes slamming shut as he doubled over.
"No." He just about managed to whisper before his eyes slid shut and he collapsed to the floor.


"Miraz is gaining more troops as we speak." Caspian said to the people in the room.
"Then what do you say we should do?" Trumpkin asked.
"Well the raid on the castle didn't exactly go as planned." Caspian muttered under his breath.
Peter stared at him, having heard him loud and clear. "And I wonder who's fault that was." He said.
"Please don't start arguing your majesties." Reepicheep quickly stepped in.
Peter looked over at him and nodded slowly. "Miraz easily outnumbers us." He said. "So we'd lose a war."
"You can't say that." Caspian said with a shrug. "You were outnumbered at the battle of Beruna and still won."
Peter froze for a moment, the picture of Jadis stabbing Edmund flashing before his eyes... but he quickly shook it away. "That is true." He said, taking a deep breath. "I'll get back to you on this." He finaly said after a long pause. "I'm not in the right head space to make any decisions right at this precise moment."
"Of course your majesty." Reepicheep said, bowing slightly.
Peter gave him a gratful look before walking from the room, a hundred and one questions repeating themselves over and over again in his head, but the one he kept coming back to was: Would Edmund survive? Sighing he walked off in search of Edmund and Lucy, and soon found his sister... but when Edmund didn't come up behind her, he panicked. "Where's Ed?" He asked as soon as he was stood in front of Lucy.
Lucy took a deep breath, tears in her eyes. "I - I don't know." She mumbled. "One minute he was behind me and the next he wasn't. I - I think he took a wrong turning, getting himself seperated from me."
Peter took a sharp intake of breath, his heart starting to pound in his chest. "We need to find him." He said quickly, heading off down the corridor.
"What's going on?"
Peter turned to see both Susan and Caspian walking over to them, frowns on their faces.
"We don't know where Edmund is." Lucy mumbled as the two stopped walking so Susan and Caspian could catch up.
"What?" Susan whispered, the worry evident in her voice.
Peter swallowed hard, looking down at the floor. "I've got a bad feeling." He mumbled before taking off down the corrdior.
"Peter wait up!" Susan called as she, Lucy and Caspain ran after him.
But Peter didn't stop, he needed to find his brother, especially because of the nagging feeling that was telling him Edmund was in danger. He ran as fast as he could, not caring which way he went, he'd search the whole How if he had to!
After what felt like an eternity - But was really only five minutes - Peter stopped dead at the end of a corrdior, everyone behind him almost running into him.
"Pete?" Lucy questioned.
Peter's eyes went wide. "Ed." He whispered. He ran the short way over to his brother and fell to his knees beside him. "No, no, no." He choked, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Edmund was lying on the floor, one hand gripping the wound in his stomach and the other now reaching for Peter, as if he knew he was there. He was lying in a pool of his own blood, his tunic stained dark red as well as his hands. His breathing was possibly the worst of it all, he was hardly breathing at all, just letting out a quick, short and desperate breath every few seconds, and he kept coughing to, Peter panacking every time he did, because he could see his teeth getting stained red... with blood. Peter's eyes filled with tears, this was worse than Beruna. He swallowed hard, shaking his head. Edmund had been left for no longer than five minutes between getting stabbed by Jadis and healed by Lucy, but goodness knows how long he'd been lying here for... too long, was all he thought. "Hurry Lucy." He managed to choke, gripping Edmund's arm. "We're here now." He whispered, hoping that his brother could hear him. "You're gonna be okay."
Edmund let out another almost panicked breath followed by a hacking cough as Lucy ran over and sat beside him. Susan sat behind him, placing his head carefully in her lap and Caspian knelt beside Susan, all four of them had tears in their eyes.
Lucy took a deep breath as she opened her cordial, trying to do it as quickly as she could.
peter never once took his eyes off his brother, hoping and praying that he'd just hold on a little bit longer, and it was obvious that that was what Edmund was trying to do, but it was also obvious that it was a fight for him to keep breathing.
Lucy finaly got the top off her cordial and leant over, pouring one drop into Edmund's mouth before sitting back again.
Peter watched as Edmund fell silent, closing his mouth which caused a trickle of blood from between his lips to roll down his chin.
They all waited.... and waited.... and waited.
Peter let out a sob after maybe thirty seconds, Edmund wasn't waking up.


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