•day 1•

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"Ashido!" My ears perk after hearing my name almost shouted in a deep and gruff voice. I look and see Mr. Aizawa hold a stack of book and papers. I raise my eyebrows.

"Yessir!" I exclaimed as I walk toward him. He suddenly places everything in my hands and I wobble trying to keep it all up. The stack was so tall I could barely see the top of Mr. Aizawa's head at all.

"Take this to the library for me." He ordered in a polite way. Without hesitation I nod, although I doubt he saw, before turning around and heading out the door of the classroom. I walk down the hallway and down the steps that led me all the way to the library.

I go to the front desk and drop everything on the counter. "Perfect!" The librarian suddenly exclaimed running over to the stack of things and taking hold on a book and some of the papers. I huff softly and look around the quiet area. I suddenly spot someone peacefully looking through the shelves. I tense up upon realizes it was the girl I'd met only a week ago. Her hair was pulled up into a slick high bun which revealed her hearing aid more than before. She was also wearing some cute glasses. The glass looked thick but the frames seemed to match her face perfectly.

Her eyes slowly moved along the back of a book. She huffed softly and looked back to the book case. I watch as she bites her pulp bottom lip and she searches through the shelves. She suddenly brightened up and let go of her lip allowing them to curve into a smile. I see the girl grab onto book and place it on top of the one already in her hand. She nodded softly and turned in my direction. My eyes widened as hers met mine. I quickly look away.

She approached me and tapped my shoulder. I look at her. "Hi Pink Queen." She said. I blush at my cute new nickname.


"I'm not crazy, right? I met you before... in the hallway?" She asked looking into my yellow eyes.

"Yeah." I tell her. I was trying to get myself together. I was nervous on the inside and probably on the outside too. "What class are you from?" I asked her.

"1-H. I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." Her name graced my ears and caused joy to over take my brain and heart. I felt my stomach twist and push up into my chest. My breath hitched as I smile despite the uncomfortable feeling in my chest. I finally know her name!

"Mina Ashido from Class 1-A." I tell her joyfully. She smirked and held her hand out to me. I latch my hand onto hers and shake it softly. Ours hands touched again...

"You here for a book?" She asked walking past me and toward the front desk. She put the books down so that the librarian could check them out for her.

I followed behind her. "No just dropped some stuff off for my teacher."

"Oh not much of a reader. I get that." (Y/n) grabs the books after they've been checked out. "I come here almost everyday after school because being at home is such a pain in the ass." She said. She looked to the sky in thought before looking back to me.

"I have to go but like I said, I come here pretty much everyday." (Y/n) waves at me before rushing away and out doors. It's okay she left though because I have to go to see Eijiro at the mall. He apparently wants us to have matching crocs.


After class I didn't wait around class like usual. I actually rushed out and went to the library. U.A.'s library was huge. I'd spent time looking around not even sure if (Y/n) was here yet. Or if she was coming today.

I sit at a table but as soon as I did (Y/n) walked into the library with her hands in her pockets. She was wearing a hoodie and under normal circumstances she would be breaking dress code but it was after school. The hoodie was yellow and blue. She looked around a little bit.

She didn't notice me at first. I knew she saw me when she started to smile at me. "Hi Alien Queen!" She exclaimed quietly as she approached me.

I smile and wave at her. This nickname was by far my favorite one she come up with. "Hey! Whatcha doin?!" I quietly exclaimed.

"I was actually hoping you'd comeback so we can talk." she said softly. My heart lit up and I grow instantly more happy. The only thing that was better than seeing her was know that she was happy to see me. Butterflies dance in my stomach creating an awful feeling in my stomach but a beautiful feeling in my heart.

Suddenly I hear a grumble coming from the girl in front of me. Her eyes widened as she hears the sound as well. She covers her face with a blush. She was almost as pink as me. I chuckle at her as she excused herself.

I stare at her cuteness until an idea pops into my head. "Can I take you out to eat? My treat." I tell her. She shakes her head.

"You don't have to." She says taking her hands of of her face. (Y/n) put her hood over her head as I stood up.

"Don't worry. I want to." I told her. I walk beside her and we had over to the closest good food to U.A. This place was called 'The Good Grub' a food truck that sold burgers. It was in a gas station packing lot not even a mile away from U.A.

We arrived and there was a short line ahead of us. (Y/n)'s mouth watered slightly as she looked at the long menu on the side of the truck. "Order as much as you like." I told her.

"You sure?" She asked looking at me.

"Yeah I wanna make sure you're good!" I told her. She smiled and we get to the front of the line.

"What would you like?" The dude in the truck asked I ordered two burgers for myself and then asked what she wanted. She ordered two burgers herself and I payed him.

We went back for the burgers and then sit at one of the picnic tables they had together. "Thank you." She said softly. I nodded at her. I took a small bite from my burger.

"What's your quirk?" She asked. (Y/n) took a massive bite of food awaiting my answer.

I sallow and thought. "Oh I can create acid from my hands? You?" I asked her.

"Don't have one." She told me smirking.

"Really?!" I asked her. I thought cuteness was her quirk.

"No. Both my parents had pretty cool quirks and my older brother got the combination." My eyebrows bounce up for a second before settling back down. "My mother can move her arms so fast you can't see then and my father could create small sparks of lightning from his hand. So when he moves his arms fast electricity can spark from that." She explained.

"That's really cool. How old is he?"

"He's twenty." (Y/n) answered her eyes were directed behind me as she chewed. I look back to see a chalk art work on the wall which was common over here.

"Cool right." I say. "There's a group of artists who go around the area spray painting and chalking up art." She brightened up. Her smile made me tense as I feel my chest tightening. She was beautiful.

"Mina!" She snapped from my trance and my eyes widened as she continued. "I said you're really pretty."

I turn slightly red upon hearing that. "I can't believe you're saying that." I tell her smiling wide like the school girl I was.


"Because you're so pretty..." I trail off. She smirked. She grows embarrassed so to cover her face she pulls the strings to her hood.

"Don't say things like that!" She exclaimed laughing a little.

"But it's the truth and you just said the same to me." I inform her.

She slightly opens her hood to look at me. "That was different! I was looking at you and just said it." She informed.

I hum softly barely believing the girl. "You're still super cute." I inform the pretty girl causing her to scream quietly and pull her hood closed again. I laugh at her as she shakes her head aggressively.

I like her so much.

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