•day 53 technically•

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I finally get back home after hours of being with Mina by ourselves. It was almost one in the morning and right now I have never been so scared. I slowly unlocked the door before turning the nob. I attempted to get the door open without making any noise and step into the long hallway that led to the kitchen. I squeeze my eyes shut while slowly closing the door. I heard the knob click it made a slightly louder ruffle after the door shut.

I sigh and shuffled through the house and tried to stay quiet. I held my breathe all the way until I get through the kitchen. I turn to be met with Shota sitting on the couch with a pack of yogurt. He looked at me silently for several seconds. I froze in my spot internally panicking but I
tried to remain calm.

"I- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been out-" my voice got caught in my throat and at first Aizawa continue not to notice my fear of this situation.

"I told you to text me when you leave school you were gone for hours." Alzawa slightly agitated voice filled the room. He wasn't being aggressive or even threatening but I was still so scared because I didn't know what he would do and how he would react to my disobedience.

"I know and- I'm sorry... I should've just come back right away..." I say with my slightly scatch and holding my neck as I nervously stood in front of the man.

He stood and started walking toward me and I immediately went into fight or flight. I tensed and stared at his still none threatening face and hands. Aizawa so far hadn't noticed my involuntary fear at all probably because he had a bit of relief that I was fine. He showed on his face just a little but that didn't stop me for cowering in front of him. I just couldn't stop although I knew all too well Shota wouldn't hurt me so why am I so scared?

Shota sighed again looking to the ground as his face dropped and became less tense. He relaxed and started to rise his hand above his waist. "Your phon-" he cut himself off when he noticed my hard flinch at his soft relaxed movements. His eyes widened as the tears I'd been carrying fell from my eyes and down my face.

My lips part as a soft cry left them. My hands blocked my face so I couldn't be hit but again... no one here was going to hurt me so why am I so scared. "I'm sorry..." I say softly feeling like I'd insulted the man by even suggesting he would lay a finger on me.

I crumbled to the floor feeling overly vulnerable at the moment and Shota comes down with me. I start to cry. "I didn't mean to- but-" I stumbled over my words and ultimately couldn't finish the sentence because I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to say. I was still in a state of panic and I almost couldn't breath. I panted while coughing and choking over my sobs. This moment felt like hell...

"Breathe you're okay..." Shota rubbed circles into my back and talked to me in a soft soothing voice in attempt to relax me.

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