Moon Flower Prt 13

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POV Alex

After taking all the pins out of my hair and removing my make up I crawled into bed. Sleep didn’t come though. I was sure Jason was angry; I knew he didn’t want me to be anything like him. I wasn’t sure if I did but it was my only choice.

At midnight I still wasn’t asleep so I got out of bed. I left my room as quietly as possible and made my way to the throne room. I knew Jason’s room was around here some where but I didn’t quit knew where.

“Whatcha doing?” asked a voice from behind. I swung around to see Blaze lounging in his throne. He was wearing the same jeans and dress shirt as at dinner, he looked amused when he saw my Pajamas.

“I could ask you the same question” I said while keeping my distant.

“I’m a vampire ,Ally, I don’t sleep” he said as he shifted into a normal sitting position.

“So what you just lounge around all night?” I quickly added “and don’t call me Ally”

“Only some nights” he chuckled “but you still haven’t answered my question”

“You asked me a question?” I tried to avoid the question.

“Where are you going?” he asked again.


“You’re lying”

“Your point?”

“My point is; I need to know”


“I am a counsel member” at this point I just laughed and turned to walk away, but something got my arm. I turn around to see Blaze again.

“Don’t go” he whispered so pitifully I almost stayed.

“Sorry Blaze” I ducked my head and headed to the doorway to Jason’s room. Like my hallway Jason’s was lined with doors, by looking at his door. I carefully opened the door and lid in bed beside him. He must have been awake because he wrapped his arm around me and I fell asleep soon after.



Not much of a chapter sorry bout that.

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