This is a Lot Harder

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Four Months Later...

I've hit my eighth month and I'm miserable. Chris hasn't left my side which is both amazing and annoying at the same time. He's gone to every appointment and we found out we're having a girl. We've discussed names and I think we've landed on Harper Sloane Doran. Today I have an appointment.

"You look so beautiful pregnant." I hear Chris say from behind me. I don't see myself as beautiful anymore. I'm staring at myself in the mirror realizing this pregnancy has completely  changed my body. "Thank you but I don't feel it." I say to him. He walks over to me kneeling down, "Well you are." He kisses my belly. This weekend is my baby shower, even though I said I didn't want one. Liv and everyone is flying out tonight. 

"So if it's ok with you, tomorrow the guys and I are gonna go golfing." Chris tells me as we exit the house. "Yeah, I'll have plenty of company. Go have fun." I need him out of my hair for awhile.

Appointment went perfect, everything is on track and baby girl is measuring where she needs to. "We're gonna stop by Ma's on the way home ok." I nod, I love his mother but I'm tired and just want to be in my bed. "Maggie, are you up for it?" He asks. "Yeah, I mean I'm tired but I'm also hungry and she always has snacks out." He laughs and squeezes my hand.

Since about my fifth month we've been dealing with my crazy ass cravings. He's been an absolute godsend through it all. Three a.m runs to the store for Hersey's chocolate sauce and Klausens pickles. Not a single complaint from that man. The drive to Lisa's is a thirty minute drive and peaceful. I really love living here and I love that I'm going to raise a kid here. All of Chris' Hollywood friends know and are incredibly happy for us. Several of them have already sent some amazing baby gifts. Multiple magazines have sent in offers for a story. Neither of us want any part of it. That doesn't stop them from writing tasteless nonsense anyway.

When we make it to Lisa's, Chris had to jostle me awake. More importantly she was in the middle of making a snack tray. "How's the baby?" She asks and I don't answer I head straight for the smoked gouda and salami. "She's making mommy very hungry. Hi, Ma." Chris answers for me. "Well I know how that is. I was just about to pick up the kids." Chris' older sister has three kids and they come to Lisa's everyday after school. "I'll go grab them. This is the longest I've been in town. You good babe?" He asks putting his arm around my waist. "Of course honey, go ahead." I continue to snack as he leaves.

"Bet you can't wait to get her out huh?" Lisa says sitting across from me at her island. I put a hand on my large belly, larger than it was with the twins. "Like you wouldn't believe. This pregnancy is so much different and difficult than with the twins."

"Each one of my pregnancies was different. Chris was the worst one by far though. I keep forgetting this is only your second." I nod and I sometimes forget myself. "I'm sorry came in and  started eating." I tell her wiping my hands on the wash towel lying on the counter. "Oh don't apologize. You're family now and you fit right in, all my kids do the same thing. Are you excited for your baby shower?" I shrug and walk around to take a seat beside her.

We sit and talk more about being pregnant and family. When Chris comes back the kids come running through yelling for Lisa and I. "In the kitchen loves!" She sings back. Stella rushes to me and hugs me. "Auntie Maggie, can I touch the baby?" I tell her of course. She jumps back when she feels a kick. "Whoa! I think she's gonna play soccer like me." She states which causes us to laugh. She's got quite the personality.

We stay for another hour or so, until Alaina and Eli text me that their on their way home. They both start work on Monday. Alaina will be at Starbucks and Eli will be at Whole Foods, which they are across the road from each other so it makes it easier.

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