Chapter 7: Nicolette

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Waking up I roll over and see Deshawn sleep. I sit up and look at my phone it's 7:08. I have to be at Tabatha's at 9:30 this morning to get my hair washed and flat ironed. I hardly ever get my hair done, but I make an effort at least once every other month. I normally just wear it in Bantu knots or in a bun. My dad is half Native American, so my hair is really wavy and can be hard to do anything with. My sister and I normally keep our hair cut in some type of short style, but for the past year, I've been letting mine grow out some. She hates long hair.

I get up and head to the back door to let Savage out. Later on today we will go to the doggy park and maybe visit my mom. Once I let him out I fill his bowls with water and food and turn on the oven for some bacon.

I head back to the bathroom to pee, brush my teeth, and take a shower. Once I finish in the bathroom I slide on some high wasted skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I slide my black converse on and head to the kitchen. I put some bacon on a sheet pan and grab two croissants butter them and sit them to the side. I grab my large black cast iron skillet and spray it with Pam to fry two eggs. Once I got everything prepped I open the back door to let Savage in. I head back to my bedroom and grab my phone to call my mom.

"Morning Nicky," my mom cheerfully greets me. Only my family calls me Nicky. I never let anyone, not even Kristy or Deshawn, call me that. I love my name. My grandmother's name was Nicolette, so that makes me love my name even more.

"Good morning, what are you doing this fine morning?" I ask her sliding the croissants in the oven and cracking the eggs in the now hot skillet.

"I'm at Nicole's waiting for her to finish getting ready,  so we can go rummaging this morning. She needs a table for her foyer and I wanted to see if I can find some lamps for your brother's apartment. What are you up to?"

"I'm on my way to Tabatha's to get my hair flat ironed." I pull the bacon and croissants out the oven. I like my bacon chewy, so I never leave it in the oven long. I place a piece of mozzarella cheese on both eggs and cut my croissants open. "Where is dad?" I ask finishing up our breakfast sandwiches.

"He left with Greg at 5 this morning to go fishing. So we will be eating fish for dinner if you want to come by and get a plate." I hear her talking to Amaya in the background, "Let me call you back I need to put Amaya jacket and shoes on," she says before I can ask to talk to her?

"Ok. I will stop by later. Tell Nicole to call me later. Luv you," I turn around and see Deshawn already dressed looking down at his phone. "I will. Love you too," she says before hanging up.

"You have a hair appointment today don't you?" He asks walking past me to grab his plate.

"Yes, how do you know?" I asked confused. I haven't talked to Deshawn since he stormed out the night before last and I made my appointment yesterday evening.

"I saw Tabatha yesterday at the gas station when I was riding with Chris. You know she likes to run her mouth and was telling me you were coming by in the morning."

I give him a quizzical look that he doesn't notice. "Did she have Keshawn with her?" Tabatha is another friend that we grew up with. She has a one-year-old that I haven't seen since he was a baby. Every time I go to her house he is never there he's always with his grandmother. She never told us who her baby's father was and always avoid the question so I stopped asking. We are not as close as we use to be. After her mom remarried and moved she started hanging with new friends. Deshawn's mom moved them, in our twelfth-grade year, to another subdivision a block away from where she moved, so he always saw her more outside of school.

"Naw I didn't see him with her, but I didn't walk to her car either."

I walk out of the kitchen to grab my purse and keys. "Are you dropping me off? I have a few errands to run after I get my hair done."

"Yes. Chris's girl had her baby yesterday so he's at the hospital with her."

"Really. Why you didn't tell me? I would have got a gift. What did she have?" Chris's girlfriend is so sweet. She always so helpful when we have barbecues and other events.

"I think a girl." I roll my eyes. Why the hell would he not know the gender of his supposed favorite cousin baby? "Deshawn that is sad why don't you know that information."

"I didn't ask. It can only be one or the other. I try not to worry myself with trivial things."

I'm not even going to respond to this punk today. He is so self-centered. How am I just now noticing all of this shit? "Well, I'm ready when you are." I will just call Jaydon on my own to find out what she had.


Pulling up to Tabatha's. I grab my purse and phone. "I will text you when I'm almost done."

"How are you getting your hair? I'm really liking the length." He runs his hand over my hair. I left it down since I was getting it done. "So please don't cut it again."

I look over at him and nod my head. "I'm only getting my ends clipped and flat ironed that's it."

He leans over the armrest and kisses me on the lips "Ok. Well, I'm stopping by my moms to assemble a stand she texted me about last night." He kisses me again before pulling back. "I love you."

I smile a weak smile at his words. I use to live for the moment he said them to me. I remember the first time he ever said them. We were in the 10th grade standing out by his car after school. Now those three little words are just words said in passing to fill the empty space. "I love you too," I say grabbing the handle and stepping out the car.

I walk on the porch and knock on the door while turning the knob. Tabatha's door is always unlocked. "Hello," I call out while walking in following the sound of her voice. I walk to the kitchen and see her dipping a girl's braids in some hot water.

"Hey chic," Tabatha says looking up from what she's doing. I sit my phone and purse down on the counter and then sit down at the table looking around and listening trying to see if I hear the baby.

"Hey, girlie. Where's Keyshawn?" I ask her after noticing I didn't see or hear him.

"Girl he is at his granny's. You know I drop him off every Friday".

"Awww. I really wanted to see him. I'm gonna have to come during the week to see him I haven't seen him since he was three months. I feel like the worst godmother ever." I say pouting. "You're gonna have to let me keep him." 

"Girl you don't have to keep him. I know how busy you are. Shawn still won't give you a baby?"

I stiffen at her words. "Why you say that? Who said he won't give me a baby?" I say with a little snap in my tone as I cock my head to the side looking over at her.

"Oh, I just assumed it was him since I know you always wanted kids." She says shrugging. The girl glances over at me and smirks while paying Tabatha. I have no clue what that's all about.

"Nope. Deshawn wants kids, but I refuse to have kids with him and he doesn't work."

"Well you know Deshawn has needs and if he doesn't get them met at home he will get them met somewhere else." She says all nonchalantly.

How the fuck does this bitch know what my man needs. Let me just get my hair done so I can get the fuck out of here before I cut a bitch. I refuse to entertain messy hoes today.

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