Chapter 3: Nicolette

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My day has finally perked up a little. I finally got Deshawn on the phone and he gave me some lame-ass excuse. Not that I believe that shit he said, but I'm always a little concerned when he doesn't show up and I can't get a hold to him on the phone. I'm still mad as hell though. This situation is always so confusing I'm just not sure what I should do or be doing.

I talked with my twin sister, Nicole, and she said what she always says, "Divorce that sorry ass nigga and don't look back." She has never liked Deshawn even when we were kids, but I understand her reasons for not liking him now. She has been there for me through all our bullshit and I know I look stupid for staying with him. He doesn't work and is always gone in the car I pay for every month. But I still love him and I'm hoping he grows the fuck up soon.

I go back to working on finishing up this finance report that's due by the close of business today when I get an IM from Kristy.

Kristine Harris: Let's go check out the food trucks across the street

Nicolette Johnson-Banks: I brought my lunch, plus I have a ton of work.

Kristy Harris: Girl eats that for dinner. Come on let's get out the office for a little while. Dorothy said the barbecue is slap your momma good.

Nicolette Johnson-Banks: Ok give me 5 minutes and I will be around there.

Walking across the street Kristy is telling me about a couple that almost came to blows today when they were meeting up to go over their divorce but I'm having a fangirl moment thinking about the white guy I saw on the elevator. I've seen some cute white men before, but he is fine. He has that sexy bad boy biker look.

"Giiirrrrlllll the wife had taken off her shoes and everything," Kristy is saying pulling me out my daydream. I've been having these little fantasies all day. "The woman the husband brought with him ran behind him hiding and shit. I think the wife could have taken both of them. She kept yelling how dare you bring this bitch around me. They were so loud I'm surprised you didn't hear them." Kristy is saying all this while waving her hands all dramatic and talking loud.

"Really. I didn't hear any of this. What did the husband say?" I ask.

"Nothing. Not one damn thing he just kept a smirk on his face."

I just shake my head. "Damn shame."

"I know right. I thought I was going to have to call the police on their ass. Fuck recording I had my phone already with 91 ready for the next 1. I wasn't about to get caught becoming no damn innocent bystanders."

Once we are at the food trucks Kristy waves at the two guys stand over to the side laughing at something they are talking about. I guess one of them is the guy Phillip and the other one I notice is the guy form this morning in the elevator.

"Hey," Phillip I presume says to her with a big smile on his face. She smiles back with a bigger smile. I look over at the other guy and he is just standing there staring at me. We stare at each other for what seems like minutes before I advert my gaze and look at the menu. He has the most intense blue eyes. He is really a good looking man. He has this golden tan skin like he works out in the sun all day. He has to be over six feet tall maybe 6'2 he's not really buff but he is very muscular. He has dirty blond hair and he's wearing it in one of those man buns. He has a beard that is neatly trimmed and a scar above his left eye. I love men with scars it gives them an edgy look. I have never been attracted to a white man before but if I was single he could get it.

"So I heard the barbecue is to die for," Kristy says to all of us. "Oh, where's my manners. Nicolette this is Phillip and Logan. Phillip and Logan this is my best friend my sister from another mister Nicolette."

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