Chapter 18: Logan

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I watch Nicolette saunter to the house and I smile. I laugh at her mean ass when she flips me off. I turn and look at Nicole because I can feel her watching me.

"So how long have you known Nicolette?" Nicole asks.

"Not long about two weeks," I replied rubbing my hand over my neck. This woman makes me nervous. Even though she looks just like Nicolette minus the freckles she has this no-nonsense look about her.

"So what do you want from Nicolette?"

I want to just shrug because I really don't know. I just don't think a shrug would be sufficient for her. I like her a lot but I'm not sure about her feelings toward me. She seems to like me but I could be projecting.

"Ummm I-"

"Stop interrogating the man. We're just hanging friends," Nicolette says cutting me off before I can say anything. She smiling and giving a stern look at her sister.

"Well, I was just asking. You already got one man child. You don't need another," Nicole says rolling her eyes. "Well, y'all have fun and Logan you bring my sister back the way you're taking her."

"Yes, ma'am. I'll take good care of her."

"You better or they won't be able to find all the pieces of you once I'm done." Nicole hugs Nicolette and waves at me before turning on her heels and heading into the house. She's kind of scary but I wonder what she means about a man child. I've never asked if Nicolette if she was in a relationship and she's never mentioned it.

We walk over to the bike. I hand her the new helmet I bought before coming over here. "So can I call you Nicky?" She puts the hamlet on as I climb on the bike.

"Not if you want to live."

I laugh at her. I bet she serious. "Just grab my shoulder to get on," I instruct her.

She looks down before climbing on behind me. Since we're on my Harley she doesn't have to hold on to me as she would have on the Ducati.

"You know you can wrap your arms around me and sit closer if you want too," I say looking back at her and winking.

She leans closer and whispers in my ear. "You would like that huh." She starts laughing and leans back. I smile as I turn on the bike and cautiously start pulling off.

We ride down the old curving country road for about 45 mins passing through the canopy of trees that provided shade from the sun that beamed down on us. I turn on a side road and we pass several old barns with horses and cows in the rolling green pastures for another twenty minutes. 

I pull off to a trailer that sits off the side road and park. I turn off the bike and Nicolette grabs my shoulder and carefully gets off.

"Where are we?" She asks watching me dismount and remove my helmet.

"It's a surprise," I say winking at her and grabbing a blanket out of the storage on the side of the bike.

I grab her hand and pull her behind me to a small tree-lined path nestled on the side of the trailer. I like that she holds on to my hand and just follows me without hesitation.

We come out to an opening that leads us to a large sparkling lake surrounded by overgrown grass and poppies. The wind gently blows the grass and the loose strands of her hair that has come out of her ponytail.

I watch her as she looks around taking in the scenery with appreciation. Unfolding the blanket I place in an area where the grass isn't so high.

"So what are we doing here", she asks with a quizzical expression.

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