I step out the shower feeling refreshed after that grueling 15 miles run this morning with Logan.
Walking in my room I slide on a maxi dress with no underwear. I'm just going to lay around for a while before I have to start getting ready for this party I have to attend. I don't know why I let Kristy talk me into this shit.
I hear my phone ringing on the nightstand. I know it's Deshawn before I answer. He's the only person I actually assigned a ringtone.
"Hello," I answer. I haven't talked to him since he left. He's been keeping up his end and letting me have my space.
"Good morning beautiful." He sound's like he's laying down.
"Good morning. Why are you up so early?" I know it's a two-hour time difference so I know it has to be 6:40 there.
"Honestly we just got back to the room. We went to a strip club last night and I had to carry Chris ass up to the room. To say he overdone it is an understatement."
"Did y'all have fun?" I ask laying back on my pillow.
"It was cool. It wasn't anything I haven't seen before. If you've been to one strip club you've been to them all," he explains on a yawn.
Deshawn likes to visit strip clubs when he visits new cities. He doesn't really club much but Chris and he love the strip clubs. I've been to a few with him and I find them fascinating myself. I wish I had the upper body strength to pull myself up a pole.
"What else have y'all done?"
"We've been to a few casinos and to the mall. Chris fat ass has wanted to try a few restaurants we don't have back home."
"What have you been up to?" he asks me.
I turn to my side as I pull the covers up my body. I put him on speaker and lay the phone on his pillow. "Nothing. I'm going to Tabatha's party tonight with Kristy." I'm yawning now.
"You be careful. Don't drink shit that bitch gives you. Only take drinks from the bartender and watch his or her ass too." I smile at his concern "What are you wearing?"
"I'm not sure. Kristy ordered me a dress from Fashion Nova and she didn't let me see. She says it's a surprise."
He chuckles a little. "I'm sure with Kristy it's something very sexy. Take pictures and send me one." He yawns again. "Well I'm about to go to sleep. I have no clue what Chis wants to do today on his actual birthday. I love you, Nicolette, please don't forget that...bye."
He doesn't give me time to say anything before he disconnects the call. He probably didn't want to hear what I couldn't say. I know I love Deshawn but I'm not sure if I'm in love with him anymore. I run my hand over his side of the bed. I do miss him.
My phone rings again. I pick it up to check and see who it is. Nicole.
"Hey," I say answering.
"What are you doing? It sounds like you're in the bed still," she says in that voice she uses when she talking to one of her students.
"I am in the bed Nicole but I just got back in it. I got up earlier and went for a run. Now I'm resting."
"So, did a certain biker go running with you?"
I smile thinking of Logan all sweaty. "Yes Logan went running too."
She laughs. "You better be careful with him. I can tell he really likes you and white men can be clingy. Your ass will be barbecued in his freezer in the basement," she tells me laughing.
I laugh at her dumb ass too. "You're so dumb. I'm not going to be anybody's barbecue," I say still laughing a little.
"Well maybe not barbecue but he definitely wants you to be a meal." We both are laughing again at her words. "... But anyway I was calling to see what time you wanted me to flat iron your hair. Jermaine and I are going to dinner and a movie tonight."
"Ummm what about two?"
"Ok that sounds good are you coming over here or do you want me to come over there?"
"I can come over there. I need to run and find me some nail polish so you can paint my toes and nails too."
"Bitch this ain't the salon. Your ass is going to have to start paying me. Why you can't paint your own damn nails or better yet start going to the nail shop with mom and me."
I roll my eyes. Nicole knows that I have never been real girly so getting my nails done, wearing makeup, and heels are really not my thang.
"You know I don't know how to paint my nails good and why would I pay the nail shop when I can get my bossy ass sister to do it."
She chuckles a little. "What does your dress look like?"
"I'm not sure Kristy bought it and wouldn't tell me."
I hear Nicole sigh. "Ain't no telling what Kristy will put you in. Are you wearing makeup?" she asks me?
"Yes. Kristy said she will do it when she brings over my dress tonight," I reply.
"Well ok I will see you when you get here."
"Ok see you later," I say hanging up.
I close my eyes and start drifting off thinking of Logan.
My hair is done, I've bathed, and now I'm sitting here letting Kristy make my face up. I still haven't seen the dress.
Kristy's dress is too cute. It's a light blue tube mini dress with ruched sides and a v-shaped cut in the front. It looks great with her skin tone.
Kristy is a few shades lighter than me. She's 5'5 the same height as Nicole. She has a small waist and lots of breasts. She's smaller at the bottom. Deshawn always tells her she got chicken legs.
"Ok. All done. I think we should pull your hair up in a high ponytail it would look better with the dress," Kristy tells me.
"Whatever you think is best," I reply. "Let me grab my panty girdle."
"You don't need a girdle girl. You will be fine."
I look at her and chuckle and then point at my flabby stomach. "Girl I'm pretty sure whatever you brought me is tight and I will definitely be needing a girdle."
I gained weight with Nicole when she was pregnant with Amaya. When she ate I ate. It was like both of us were pregnant. It doesn't bother me until I have to put something on tight fitted. Deshawn always said he liked the extra weight.
I watch Kristy pull out the dress. It doesn't look like much when she holds it up. "That looks small are you sure I can wear that?" I ask scrunching up my nose.
"Yes, I'm sure. It stretches."
I grab the dress and head to the bathroom. I slide off my t-shirt and shorts. I'm not sure I'll be able to wear a bra. I slide on the girdle and then the dress. It a black midi halter dress with a chain strap and slit.
Once I adjust the chain straps I adjust my breast. I'm about a C cup and my breast sits up on their own so I can go without a bra. The back of the dress is out and the chain hangs down the middle of my back. The girdle made my stomach look smaller and I'm glad about that because the dress fits like a glove.
I look in the mirror on the back of the bathroom door. I have to admit I do look good. The makeup makes my almond-shaped eyes pop. She didn't do a foundation or anything like that because I hate to hide my freckles. I turn and look at myself one more time before exiting the bathroom.
When I open the door I sigh when I see the dreaded high heels in her hand.

What's Done in the Dark
RomanceShe's just staring out the window. I just stand and watch her not sure exactly why I'm here. She turns and finally looks at me. We stare into each other's eyes and it's at that moment I can see the torment in her gaze. As she looks at me I can see h...