Chapter 16: Logan

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Pulling up to the river trail I get a little nervous. I'm so excited to see Nicolette. I jump out of my truck and look around the park and don't see her anywhere. I look down at my watch and see it's ten minutes till seven. It's early so I decide to start stretching. When I get done I see her walking my way.

"Morning," I say smiling at her.

She doesn't greet me back. When she finally approaches me I can see she's been crying and from the looks of how puffy and red her eyes are maybe even all night.

"Morning," she finally says on a whisper.

I look down at Savage and he even looks sad.

"Are you alright?" I ask stepping closer to her.

She nodes her head. "Yea it just my everyday family drama."

I step up and embrace her in a tight hug. She stiffens for a minute but then she wraps her arms around me. She presses her face against my chest. From the close proximity, I can smell how good she smells. I hold her for a minute before she steps out of my hold. I instantly feel the loss of her warmth.

"You ready for this run?" She asks giving me a weak smile.

"Yea," I rub my neck. "Are you sure you want to run? We can do this next weekend." I ask tentatively.

"I wouldn't be here if I couldn't run. Would I?" She asks sharply looking up at me with those sad eyes. Looking at her sad eyes all I want to do is protect her and make all the hurt go away.

"Hey. Calm down, tiger. I was just trying to making sure your violent ass wasn't going to try to kill me out here in these woods. It's a lot of places to stash a body," I say chuckling a little.

She bends over and laughs at me. She finally has a smile on her face. "That's some shit white people do." She says putting up one finger and then laughing again. "Black people don't get mad at one person and then go out and kill another. We only kill the person or people that have pissed us off.", She says still laughing. "So you don't have to worry about me killing"

"I don't know anything about the mind of a killer but I know the mind of a madwoman," I comment.

"Don't worry Logan. You will know when I'm gonna kill you." She says smirking at me and poking me in the chest. "....and I promise it won't be on this trail where someone can find your body."

I look down at her and grab her finger. Bringing her finger to my lips I place a soft kiss on the tip. "You are so cute when you're mad," I whisper. She's so beautiful even with puffy eyes.

She snatches her fingers back and turns on her heels and start walking down the trail. I watch her ass and can feel myself getting hard. Adjusting myself in my shorts I jog to catch up with her. We don't talk the whole time we're running. My legs are longer than hers so I make sure I keep pace with her.

We run about six miles before we stop at a little small park. I watch as she takes Savage off his leach and pulls off her little backpack. She reaches in her bag and pulls out a bowl and a water bottle for Savage. She offers me a bottle of water that I take before she takes out one for herself.

We both sit on a nearby bench. We sit in companionable silence as I watch her watching the dog. I've never thought a sweaty woman was cute but here I am wishing I could take her up against one of these trees.

"So I was thinking of taking my bike out for a ride this evening," I say.

"Are you?... that sounds nice. Where are you planning on riding to?" She asks still watching Savage. Now he's chasing a squirrel.

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