Chapter 10: Logan

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I'm walking back slowly to the car with the sun burning the back of my neck. I just finished a ten-mile run on the river trail. I can't figure out for the life of me what possessed me to run in this dry heat. I have so much sweat pouring down my face into my eyes. I need the water and towel that I left in the truck. The river trail is 21 miles in one direction. I would have died trying to do anything more than the ten miles I pounded out. I normally lift weights with Fred and Phill at the gym on Sundays but I decided I needed to work on my cardio. That is an understatement for the century. Someone would think I smoked as hard as I've been breathing.

As I'm open my passenger door to grab my water I spot a familiar little feisty brown-skinned girl standing by the dog park entrance. I forgo getting in the truck. Grabbing my water I walk in her direction. She doesn't notice me walking up to him, so I take that time just to admire her. She has on some tight ass jeans that showcase a very nice butt. I have big hands and I'm pretty sure I can't grab all of one ass cheek. She's wearing a black t-shirt with her arms crossed in front of her. She biting on her bottom lip just staring at the dogs running around playing. I look around.. it doesn't seem like she's with anyone.

"Do you normally just come to the park and watch other people dogs?" I ask stepping closer? "Is that as creepy as watching other people's kids?"

She turns and looks at me with a smirk on her face. "I was wondering how long you were going to stand there and watch me." I laugh a little at the fact she caught me staring. "...but no I have one," she laughs. "I mean one of them is mine," she waves her hand toward the dogs.

"So you're not being creepy?" I ask smiling what I can assume is a big kool-aid smile.

She side-eyes me before smiling and shaking her head 'no'. She has one of the most gorgeous smiles that makes her whole face light up.

"You know you've accused me of being sleep and now you're accusing me of being creepy. What's your issue with me?" She says trying to hold a straight-face and keep from laughing.

"Hey," I hold my hands up, "I'm not accusing you." I watch her cock her head to the side. "....and you kind of were sleeping." I raise my eyebrows up daring her to lie again. "... and you are standing here watching dogs with no leash or anything. You're not even standing in the gate like most dog owners. You must admit you kind of look like a creepy dog perv, if that's a thing," I say pointing out the obvious and chuckling.

She rolls her eyes and pulls out a folded up leash from her back pocket. She raises up the leash and waves it to me.

"Maybe you should leave those detectives skills to the professionals," she says with that cocky smirk in place.

I laugh. I'm not sure how I missed the leash.

"So which one is yours?"

She turns back to the gate "That one right there running toward the gate."

She pointing at the Siberian Husky running up. She walks up to the gate and reaches over and pets his head. "Hey boy are you ready to go?" He barks a few times as if he answers her. She walks in the gate to put on his leash.

I walk up to the gate and watch her rub his ears and belly. "What's his name."

She looks up and has to use her hand as a shield from the bright sun. "Savage"

"Savage," I say as if I'm trying it out. "I like it," I say.

"I'm glad it gets your approval. I don't know what I would have done if not." She sarcastically says.

I chuckle, "Smartass."

We both laugh as she puts the leash on Savage and walks out the gate over to me.

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