Chapter 37: Logan

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I groan hearing my phone going off. Reaching out my hand I grab my phone. "Who the fuck is calling my phone early on this Sunday morning," I mumble. Opening up one eye, I peek at the display. Having no clue who it is I answer out of curiosity, "Hello."

"Hello I'm Rebecca I'm a nurse calling from Jefferson County Medical Center. I'm trying to reach Logan Kincaid."

Sitting up quickly I clear my throat. "This is Logan Kincaid, " I reply with concern laced in my voice.

"Good morning Mr. Kincaid sorry for the early call Dr. Edward Edison is requesting you to come to the hospital as soon as possible about a patient of his."

"Can I ask who and what this is about?" I ask getting out the bed pulling on some jeans.

"Sir I can't give out any information over the phone. It's just really important that you come up to the hospital to room 432. Before entering the room please have one of the nurses to page the doctor."

I'm walking in the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. "Ok. Thank you I am on my way," I tell her.

Hanging up I finish up in the bathroom and head to my closet and grab a shirt. I text my dad and my sister to confirm that they are fine. Walking out my room I see Lance laying on the couch.

"Hey, Lance have you talked to Laura or dad this morning?" I ask while texting Fred and Phillip.

"Laura. She said she was on her way over dad's. Why something wrong?"

"No I hadn't that's it," I say grabbing my keys.

Opening the door. I see Amber silver BMW pull up. Checking my watch, I see it's 10:22 am. I watch her as she get out of her car with two coffees. I've been trying to work through my issues and give her a chance.

"Morning. Where are you rushing off too?" she asks handing me one of the coffees.

"The hospital called. So I'm on my way up there."

"Who's in the hospital?"

"They wouldn't say. I just know that a Dr. Edison wanted me to come as soon as possible," I say. My phone vibrates a few times. Pulling it out my pocket I see text messages.

Fred: I was sleep. What's up

Laura: At the store grabbing a few things for dad.

Dad: Watching the Duke

"Well I know it's not Fred or Laura. And dads at home watching John Wayne movies. I haven't heard from Phillip yet maybe it's him."

"I'm not even going to complain that you didn't check on me or even the fact you were supposed to go with me this morning to meet Jessie and Emily for a wine tasting."

"I forgot about the wine tasting. I got the call when I was still asleep. I just jumped up and threw on something."

"That's fine." She waves me off. "I can go with you if you like."

Not really knowing who's at the hospital I don't think that's a good idea. I wouldn't want to be bringing people with me. "I rub my hand through my hair I forgot to comb or put in a band. "You should go to the wine tasting. I can text you when I'm done."

She pokes out her bottom lip. "Ok but I don't have to go in the room. I just want to be there for moral support."

Sighing I open my truck door. "You can go but you have to stay downstairs. I know you and you're nosey."

"Why not on the floor?"

"Look I don't want to argue. It's downstairs or nothing," I state.


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