Chapter 33: Deshawn

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"Fam, how long do you think you're going to be able to hide Felicia from Nicolette or even Tabatha?" Chris ask me as we pull up to Felicia's apartment.

"I don't know." I run my hand over the top of my head.

"So are you going to her doctor's appointment today?"

After the first time when I went to the doctor with Nicolette - I had Felicia change doctors. As soon as we pulled up to the building I had a feeling that they had the same doctor. I knew when Nurse Sheila called us back that the visit was going to get awkward.

"Yeah. She's been having a lot of problems with her blood pressure, so they are talking about putting her on bed rest." I sigh. "She wants me to come over every night and start staying here so I can help her."

"How are you going to pull that off?"

"I'm just going to tell Nicolette I got a job and I will be working overnight starting off. Therefore I can check on Felicia and have KJ with me."

"Seriously Bro...I don't know how you do it, but to me, it seems like you care more for Felicia."

"Its about the baby. I can't turn my back on my baby."

Chris starts laughing. "It's alright that white boy that watched Nicolette all night at Kristy's party is going to swoop in and take your wife. I told you he couldn't even pay his girl no attention." Chris is shaking his head.

"Why did Chris have to bring that up?" I wonder to myself. I missed the party he's talking about that happened two months ago because my mom couldn't keep KJ and Felicia was sick. Chris informed me that the white dude from the picture was at the party. Obviously, he's a friend of Kristy's boyfriend, Phillip. He said Nicolette and dude only talked the one time but it was clear they were friendly and Nicole knew him too. I wanted to ask her about this nigga - ask her had she been fucking this white boy, but then I came to my senses. I know she would never do something like that.

"You over here trying to take care of three households and about to lose the main one to some white dude with a ponytail." He turns and stares at me. "Fam, I'm telling you this shit" He points at Felicia's house. " too much. You leaving your wife at home pregnant with twins - alone. Who's supposed to help her?"

"You don't think I thought about this? Look once Felicia gives birth I can go back home."

"You're not thinking Bro. Once Felicia has the baby she's going to need help with the baby and you should know this better than anyone. When KJ was born you damn near moved in with Tabetha." Chris is staring straight at me. "...and Nicolette was left at home alone. I'm not saying your wrong for wanting to be there for your kids. I'm just saying don't be mad when that white boy is taking care of your real family."

My phone beeps

"That's not going to happen, but I'll hit you later." I jump out of the car and head into Felicia's apartment.

Walking in I hear the TV on in her room. I walk to the back and see her just laying in the bed eating Hot Cheetos, honey bun, and what looks like a cheeseburger from McDonald's.

"What the fuck are you in here eating?"

"Food...what the fuck it look like?" She rolls her eyes.

"Where the fuck you get a cheeseburger from at nine o'clock in the morning?"

"These cheeseburgers are from last night I bought four, ate two and saved the other two."

Rubbing my hand over my head in frustration I look around the room. It's take-out bags and candy paper all over the floor. "First why aren't you getting ready - your appointment is in 45 minutes" I look over at her. "...and secondly why haven't you cleaned up?"

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