"So, Paul how are things going down at the station?" My dad asks Amber's, dad.
"Well, you know how it is something happens in the city and it has to be the police fault. The Mayor has been riding my ass for all the assaults that have been going on downtown. So, I've had to put patrol officers that we don't have in those areas."
My dad nods his head. Amber's dad, Paul, is the Chief of Police. Paul and my dad have been friends since they were kids. Our moms were best friends too. Like me, Amber lost her mom when she was three. Both our moms thought it was destiny for us to be married since they were pregnant at the same time.
"So Logan what's been going on with you? You like working with your dad?" Paul ask.
"Yes, I do. I've always liked building things."
"Paul, Logan is taking the company more commercial. He and a crew are redoing one of the old warehouses downtown. They are turning into one of those call centers that's going up everywhere." My dad states with a proud smile. "Now if I can only get him to settle down he can take over the company and I can retire soon." Paul, Amber, and my dad all start laughing. I just smile.
"I've been trying to get Amber to settle down. I keep telling her it's not a good look to keep changing boyfriends. Find one good one a stick with him." Paul laughs. "I'm ready for grandkids."
I tune them out on grandkids. I'm still trying to figure out how to feel about Nicolette sneaking out on me this morning. Waking up alone in a hotel room is not a good feeling. I'm not sure if I should call her or just hope to bump into her next week.
Smiling I think about how great last night was. She was so responsive to my every touch. She molded against me as if we belonged together. Other than the whole getting sick, which was weird, I enjoyed myself.
"So what do you think Logan?" I snap out of my thoughts at Amber's words.
"What do I think about what?
"Son are you alright?"
"Yea, I'm fine I was just thinking of everything I need to do tomorrow," I lie.
"Well Amber thought it would be a good idea if we all went down to the cabin like we use to for Thanksgiving this year," my dad says with a giant smile on his face.
"I was just saying that we could all go down for a week. Y'all can do some hunting, fishing, and whatever else you guys do. Laura and I can shop and have some girl time."
She has this all planned out for us. I scratch my head. "I'm not sure. I will have to see how things are going. With this new project, I don't know if I will have much time to take off."
My dad and Amber frown at my words.
"He's just like you Johnny, hard-working," Paul says. "Harding working is a good trait to have."
"Yea...well I tell him all the time he has to find a balance. I think finding him a wife will help him with that," my dad states raising his eyebrow.
Amber is just smiling eating this shit up. I remember when I wanted to marry her when I couldn't see my life without her, but she threw all that away. Now she's sitting in my dad's house as nothing has changed.
Clapping my hands together I stand. "Well, we should start eating. I have an early morning." I start for the dining room with everyone following me.
Laura came over earlier and prepared lamb chops, steamed asparagus, and lemon garlic roasted potatoes. She also did a no-bake cheesecake with strawberry toppings. Everything looks great and I know it will taste good too.

What's Done in the Dark
RomantizmShe's just staring out the window. I just stand and watch her not sure exactly why I'm here. She turns and finally looks at me. We stare into each other's eyes and it's at that moment I can see the torment in her gaze. As she looks at me I can see h...