I walk into the house and it's quiet. Looking around I don't see anything disturbed so I know Deshawn hasn't been here. I walk to my bedroom and take off my clothes. I peak in the closet and see he hasn't been back to get any of his clothes.
Walking in the bathroom I turn the water on for the shower. I turn to look at myself in the mirror. "You look a mess", I say to myself. I put my shower cap on and jump in the shower. As I let the warm water run down my body I think about yesterday's events.
Kristy: Girl I need to show you something can you meet me in the restrooms.
Nicolette: I can't. I'm looking over a client's financial records for Mr. Edwards he needs them back in an hour. Can you text it to me?
Kristy: Yes but I want to show you in person
Nicole: Look at this shit Tabatha ass just shared with me on Facebook. I keep telling you your husband ain't shit. You need to leave his ass. I can come over today and help you pack his shit. Who the fuck is this bitch?
I'm staring at the picture Nicole just sent me. I jump up and head to the restroom
Nicolette: I'm on my way
Kristy: 👌🏾
I walk to the bathroom. I see Kristy following behind me.
When I get in the restroom I check to see if anyone else is in here. Once I'm sure it's clear I turn and show Kristy the picture on my phone.
"Who the hell sent that to you?"Kristy ask.
"Nicole," I say as the first tear roll down my cheek. "You think this is what him and Tabatha were whispering about?"
"Maybe...I really don't know I looked at the girl's page. Her page is open and her name is Felicia. I even looked at her Instagram. She has that she is single and there are no other pictures of Deshawn. That's the only one."
I turn and walk into one of the stalls and grab some tissue. My mind is playing so many scenarios in my head.
I walk out of the stall wiping the tears that have started to fall.
"Well, clearly he and this girl went and got something to eat together." I look down at the picture again. "....and I would think they are probably in a relationship with the caption."
"That's not really true. Now we can't deny they are eating in a car but a lot of girls put up man-crush something and the man is not their man."
"I know Kristy is trying to ease my doubts but this explains a lot. Him not coming home. Him not answering his phone. He must be with her", I think to myself.
"I have to go back and look at the records. We can talk about this later."
She nods her head and gives me a sad smile. "Nicolette, just talk to Deshawn. I know you...You are coming up with all kinds of shit in your head."
"Oh, don't worry I am going to talk with his ass," I say marching out the bathroom.
When I leave work like always Deshawn is sitting outside waiting. I quickly walk to the car and get in. He doesn't say anything or looks at me.
I can tell he's upset about something by the tick in his jaw. "Nope his ass doesn't get to play the I'm mad before you game...not today," I think to myself.
When we get home I walk straight to the kitchen and let Savage out into the backyard. I walk to my room and throw on some shorts and a tank top. I pull my hair in a messy bun and walk back to the living room where I find Deshawn sitting with his head laid back on the couch.

What's Done in the Dark
Roman d'amourShe's just staring out the window. I just stand and watch her not sure exactly why I'm here. She turns and finally looks at me. We stare into each other's eyes and it's at that moment I can see the torment in her gaze. As she looks at me I can see h...