•22• Feelings Can't Hide Forever

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Chapter 22:

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Chapter 22:

Feelings Can't Hide Forever

Blake leads the pack as all 8 of us head for the front door of Amelia's house.

He takes long strides as he walks, determination pulsating through him. Sophie stands by his side, hand in hand. Her ringlets of curls bounce as she places one high heel in front of the other. The way she struts means that she's easy to read; she is not going to be taking any attitude from Amelia.

George and Zara walk to the left of Blake and Sophie, also hand in hand. George pushes a hand through his wild hair, he is ready to watch the drama unfold and join in. Zara acts as George's calming mechanism. Her aura seems relaxed and tranquil, ready to calm us all down if the party inevitably explodes.

Kieran and Steven walk behind the group, their height towering over everyone. They look like the body guards with their stern faces yet excitement to get involved and play a part in the drama riddles them. They will protect us all from the hell on earth that will undoubtedly be sent our way from Amelia.

Zac and I walk to the left of Blake and Sophie, his arm around my waist. He's reluctant as the last party of Amelia's left him with a broken heart and his fear induced by my overwhelming anger means that he knows that I am just as big of a ticking time bomb as Amelia is. I feel everyone's emotions but mostly I am the angriest. My cheeks still feel warm and red from my irritation and I know it'll only be a matter of time before I can't contain myself anymore.

Amelia's house sits on the suburbs of the town. It's even bigger than Sophie's, with acres of land and multiple buildings coming off from the main house. The music can be heard from miles away and the party has drawn in lots of people, evident from the rowdiness of crowds. The door's wide open suggesting that anyone is welcome.

Anyone but us.

On the way here the adrenaline bounced from person to person. Something has changed within all of us. We've relaxed the grip on Blake's plan and are ready to go into this battle, head to head with Amelia.

Each person plays a different role and the dark horses come from the new people in the group; Zara and I. Yet I am the risky dark horse, I have my own vendetta.

No one cares anymore which is dangerous but thrilling.

As we march through the house into the humongous living room, heads turn in all directions. We are like Santa Claus, fulfilling the people's wishes that they'd voiced on the school feed.

The living room is crowded, most of Junior and Senior year are here. Multi coloured lights flash around the room as people dance in the middle, beneath the chandelier. The drinks table in the corner of the room is mobbed. Amelia has supplied her guests with more than enough alcohol which is rather risky considering this is her first party since the one at the start of Junior year. It's funny what people do when they're desperate to gain popularity.

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