•38• Your Class President Is...

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Chapter 38:

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Chapter 38:

Your New Class President Is...

Zac and I take our seats, scanning the room. On the stage are balloons in red and orange which are Oakmore's school colours. A banner hangs above reading 'Class President Elections'.

This is a day I've dreaded for the past few months. There's not a single part of me that willingly wants to sit in this seat and listen to Amelia drone on about why she's the best candidate, brainwashing her followers into the popularity scam. But, if it's for the group's sake, it's a pain that I'll have to endure.

I've never heard Sophie sound as serious as she did on the phone last night, it somewhat scared me. We didn't say much more and she continuously refused to give me any more information. Zac is also none the wiser as it was also considered too risky to tell him.

At this stage of the presidential campaign, Amelia and another girl called Lucy were the only candidates left. This morning is their final opportunity to pitch their aims to the school in hope that they'll receive a vote when the voting opens this afternoon. By the end of the day, the votes are counted and the new class president is announced over the tannoy.

I felt sorry for Lucy because she doesn't stand a chance against Amelia and in all honesty, she never has. From what I've heard, she's relying on winning to put on her college applications. She's one of the brightest students here and she needed something to make her stand out as she's applying to Ivy league universities.

Imagine having your future taken away from you by a girl who views this position as a popularity contest. I wish I could say that I'm surprised that the school allowed it and didn't recognise the importance of this campaign to other candidates but Principal Clark is so far up Amelia's arse, you can practically see his grey hairs at the back of her throat if she opens her mouth wide enough.

Frustrated is an understatement. Right now the only emotions that my body is capable of producing are anger, irritation and anxiety which is not a good combination.

The group's original plan was that I was going to skip today with my mum's permission, something that wouldn't have been hard to get. They knew it'd be hard for me and they didn't want to risk Amelia spotting me in the crowd and using my past as a way to make her look like a good samaritan.

Oakmore has officially been brainwashed and today will finally prove it.

"Hmm." Zac murmurs, catching me off guard.

"What?" I ask, watching his eyes follow two people across the room.

The people are dressed in suits and look as if they'd be in their fifties. As a pair, they make their way to the front row, metres away from the stage before Principal Clark stands to greet them. The middle aged man switches his briefcase to his other hand whilst stretching out the other for Principal Clark to shake. His pinstriped suit looks tight as if he needed a size bigger and his face is stern, making the Principal's clearly nervous smile more obvious than it should've been.

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