Chapter 6

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Fallyn stopped by the room that had been put aside for Roran, having checked in on the child she had saved. The girl was scared, naturally, but otherwise none the worse for her experience. Her life having been saved had garnered a fair bit of goodwill from her brother, who had been found and brought in.

For that, he had agreed to call off the attack, and after Fallyn had investigated as many officials and leaders as possible, she confirmed who had sworn oaths and who had not. She was also able to extract counter oaths to protect the Varden.

Of the soldiers, she had warned against mischief - it would not do to loot these people who had had no part in the war save for being beholden to the wrong side.

She knocked on the door before her and heard a tired acknowledgement.

She stepped inside, and Roran looked at her wearily, his hand hovering over his hammer for a moment before he relaxed.

"What's the word?"

"We have control," Fallyn answered. "For now. Lord Tharos has proven amenable and asks only to see his sister. I allowed it, as I suspected you would have no reason to keep an anxious brother from his sister?"

Roran nodded tiredly. "Nasuada has asked that you and Fang return to the Varden immediately. I understand the siege of Dras Leona goes poorly, in part because Thorn and Murtagh have appeared there."

Fallyn hummed in response, sadness flickering across her face momentarily.

"As you say," she said, moving to leave.

"If it is not an issue," Roran spoke up then. "I would join you and Fang as you return. I am eager to return to my wife and unborn child. Having them so close to Murtagh and his dragon makes me anxious."

"He is no monster," she whispered, before shaking her head slightly. "Have you no need to remain and secure the Varden's hold?"

"Brigman has been restored to his position, and I am to return to the Varden posthaste," Roran answered.

"Then we would gladly help you," Fallyn answered. "I fear the saddle will not carry two, so what I propose is that Fang and I follow above. It should guard you against trouble along the way, or it might alert Galbatorix of my location. If he is not already winging his way here."

"A worrying thought," Roran nodded. "Thank you."

Fallyn bowed her head respectfully, then paused.

"He was a close friend?"

Roran did not answer immediately.

"One of the few magic users I felt I could trust," he answered. "One of the few men I felt I could trust."

She nodded in understanding. "I will sing a tree in his memory," she said softly, then left.

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