Chapter 6

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Ryuji and Kurusu started walking around in search of the castle they stumble upon, "If a huge castle like that really esxists, I'm sure we'll find it in no time. When'd they build something like that though?" Ryuji glanced around trying to remember the directions they took, "We walked that way from here, right?" question Ryuji. Kurusu was contemplating if he should go home or not, but it'll be a lie if he wasn't interested. Especially if the castle might be related to Kamoshida, "Maybe." spoked the quiet boy. Ryuji became uncertain after hearing Kurusu statement, "When you put it that way, I'm not so sure anymore..Alright this way. Lemme know if you notice something. "

Ryuji and Kurusu retraced their steps only to stumble upon Shujin Academy instead of the castle from before. They were at disbelief, how could you lose sight of a castle. "We're at school. There wasn't anything out of place along the way, right? I didn't see no castle either." spoke the confused blonde. Kurusu was confused, "Did we make a wrong turn?"

"Let's try again." Kurusu nodded and again they retraced their steps. After a couple of twist and turns they still arrived to the school, "For real?" sighed out Ryuji, "Is it smaller than we think it is? What do you think?" Kurusu began to think until he remembered there was a voice after they left the castle, "Did you hear anything after we came back from the castle?". Ryuji tried to think and realization hit him, "Yeah from your phone. Hey, that reminds me didn't you have a navigation app thingy on, back then?" Kurusu was confused, "Navagation app?" Ryuji tried to explain, "I dunno if it was or not, but I heard stuff that sounded like one comin' from your phone. Y'know didn't it say stuff like 'returned to the real world' or something like that? Lemme see your phone for a bit."

Kurusu took out his phone only for Ryuji to snatch out of my hands, "Impatient much?" Ryuji simply ignore Kurusu's comment focusing on finding the castle. While looking through Kurusu's phone Ryuji saw an app that looked like an eye, "What's this eyeball-lookin' thing?" Ryuji showed it to Kurusu. Kurusu saw the eyeball app, "I can't delete it. It keeps poppin back up when ever I try." Ryuji kept looking at the icon, "What a weird app." Ryuji tap on the app only for it to pop up with navigations, "Oh wait, this is it!" he eagerly showed it to Kurusu, "I knew it-it IS a navigation app! There's even your history! Oh man I'm sucha genius! Let's try usin' it." Kurusu was a bit concerned and warry about the app that couldn't be deleted, "I dunno about this." Ryuji tried to convice Kurusu, "Why? All we're doin' is startin' an app." Right after speaking the phone began to say some strange words, "Kamoshida... Shujin Academy... Pervert... Castle...beginning navigation"

Ryuji face lit up, "There we go! Then, we went in a certain direction, and-" the surroundings started to warp around them, "Hey, what're you-huh? What the hell!?" Ryuji looked at the phone and saw the eyeball logo glitching out and soon they were in front of the castle. Ryuji and Kurusu saw the castle, "Look! It's the castle from yesterday!" Exclaim Ryuji. They both started running inside the gates, Ryuji turned to Kurusu with a surprised look "We made it back... That means what happened yesterday was for real too." Ryuji look at Kurusu and saw the same clothes from the white mask that similar to a bird, to the dark tenchcoat, and the bright red gloves. Ryuji shouted, "Yeargh! Those clothes!" Kurusu looked down and was surprised, he was admiring his outfit when Ryuji spoke "That happened last time too, huh!? What's with that outfit?!" Kurusu kept looking at his outfit and smirked at Ryuji with a pose, "You jelly?" Ryuji tried to deny it only to stutter, "I-I ain't jealous!" Kurusu shaked his with the smirk still on him, "Sure." Ryuji looked around and frustration laced his voice, "What's goin' on here!? This makes no effin' sense at all!"

While he was panicing and Kurusu was looking around they both heard a voice, "Hey!" They both turned to see the same cat from before. The cat ran up to them and got angry at Ryuji, "Stop making a commotion." Ryuji gritted his teeth, "You!?" The cat continued talking, "The Shawdows started acting up, so I came here wondering what it could be. To think you guys would come back to the entrance when you barely managed to escape." The cat shaked it head in disbelief. Ryuji was still confused about everything, "What is this place?... Is it the school?" The cat nodded its head, "That's right." Ryuji started to get frustrated, "But it's a castle!" The cat was already becoming frustrated from Ryuji, "This castle IS the school. But only to this castle's ruler." Kurusu looked at the castle, "The castle's ruler?" question Kurusu. The cat closed its eyes, "I think you called him Kamoshida? It's how his distorted heart views the school. " Ryuji's head started to hurt from processing too much information, "Kamoshida... Distorted?" Ryuji stomped his feet from this information, "Explain it in a way that makes sense!"

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