Chapter 20

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"Kamoshida..." Y/n only heard the creaking of the bed indicating that he was still inside. Her eyes trailed down as her mouth frowned slightly.

"I'm going to go out with a friend today. Food in the fridge..." Y/n waited but no reply. Her shoulder slumped and she retreated to her room to get ready.

Y/n slowly opened her door and could hear murmurs coming from her brother's room. She anxiously swallowed her saliva and made a disgusted look when she tasted bitterness. She closes her door just before glancing at Kamoshida's door.

Y/n carefully searched around the bustling city of Shibuya. Her eyes trailed left to right, searching for her frizzy hair friend. She lets out a sigh and leans against the bench in front of the dog statue.

Y/n tasted bitterness across her tongue and beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. She forcefully swallowed her saliva to try to get rid of the taste.

Y/n looked around for the source of the bitterness, but with no luck. She massages her forehead to ignore the bitterness and shuts her eyes to calm herself. She was completely unaware of a figure quietly sketching her form.

"You okay?" A concerned voice asked. Y/n opened her and raised her head, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just have a lot on my mind." She answered Akira's question.

Akira eyes gleamed with curiosity as he leaned forward, "Is it about your brother?" He asked, trying not to pry through. It was then that Morgana popped out the bag, curious about Y/n's answer.

Y/n muffled her laugh when Morgana poke out, "Not you to Morgana." Y/n smiled and rubbed the cat's head. She retracts her hand, her eyes lowered, and a small smile.

"Do you want to eat first? We don't need to talk about it right now." Akira offered. Y/n gave a nod and soon they began their food search.

As the duo walked, people couldn't help but take a glance at Akira. Girls and guys head-turning at Akira with a small blush across their faces. Y/n noticed this after a guy let out a squeal.

She looked around and saw people blushing when they looked at Akira. Y/n couldn't help but get a closer look at Akira.

" look different. Maybe a bit more handsome?" Y/n question herself. Akira stumbled when he heard the compliment and quickly regained his composure.

Y/n noticed how fair his skin is, how his black curls looked rather soft, and how his smile seemed more charming and confident.

Y/n glance at herself and Akira. She let out a sigh as her shoulder slumped. She let out a whisper that only one heard, "Why is everyone I know hotter than me?" Y/n sighed in defeat.

Morgana poked his head out and pawed at Akira, "Hey....Hey! She doesn't look too happy. Let hurry and find somewhere to eat. Maybe the crepe stand that Lady Ann mentioned."

Akira nodded and gently grabbed Y/n's wrist. A romantic scene it could have been if it wasn't for the height difference. Akira, who was taller compared to Y/n, took long strides, while Y/n tried matching his pace.

People who admired Akira dropped their gaze to Y/n and felt sympathetic to them. Y/n tried to keep up with his stride but had to do a slight jog to keep up with him.

"Where are we going?" Y/n asked with a slight pant. Akira kept quiet as he searched for the crepe stand.

"Why do you have to have long legs!?" Y/n complained in her head as she kept jogging. Eventually, Akira's pace slowed down and Y/n looked to the side.

"A crepe stand?" Y/n question as she saw the small pink stand with a blackboard in the front.

"Ann recommended it, so why not give it a try?" Akira gave a soft smile that made the girls around him burn bright pink. Y/n still distracted by the bitter taste agreed and looked over the menu.

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