Chapter 7

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It was the day of the volleyball ralley. Y/N took the subway, but couldn't find Kurusu. "Where is he?" mumbled the h/c hair girl. Y/N sighed and decided to enter the subway, she found a seat and rushed towards it. Y/N was so close to getting that seat, but a figure with curly black hair beat her to it. Y/N looked at the figure and noticed that Kurusu took the spot. Y/N maneuvered her way through the cowrd people to get to Kurusu.

Kurusu was just holding his bag while scrolling through his phone when he heard a familiar voice, "Good morning Kurusu-san." Kurusu looked away from his phone and saw the e/c eye girl. "Oh, good morning L/N. How's your morning?" Y/N began to think and remembered what happened in the morning, "Uhh...well it was ok until my brother decided to lecture me. And the funny thing is that I didn't do anything, I just woke up and bam! A lecture comes in. Something about not associating with certain people. Anyway how's your morning?" Kursu just shrugged his shoulders, "It been pretty normal. Waking up, getting ready, eating breakfast, and going to school." Y/N gave a small smile, "Well I'm glad I found you."
Kurus head perked up and smirked at the girl, "Oh so you were looking for me, huh. Did you miss me?"

Y/N's cheeks turned red from embarrassment and tried to explain herself, "Uh n-no I didn't miss you. Wait no I miss you. Wait I mean that uh.." Y/N brethed in and out for a couple a seconds, "I just like to have some company. It gets boring taking the subway by yourself." Y/N breathed out with a small tint of pink. Kurusu and Y/N kept talking about various things from shows, foods, habits, and funny stories. They got out of the subway and walked towards the school where they heard students talk about the volleyball rally. "Kurusu-san did you know today is the rally? It's nice to get out of class, but I'm not really a fan of sports in general." Kurusu nodded his head, "I don't really enjoy sports, unless you can count video games as a sport. Then I am a fan." Y/N chuckled, "Now that a sport I'm willing to watch." Y/N and Kurusu enjoyed each others company, but Y/N heard a student talk about a rumor. A rumor about her brother abusing the volleyball team. Y/N tighten her grip around the bag and tried to shake it off, "There just rumors. Shida wouldn't harm anyone without a reason..." Y/N and Kurusu made it to class, but people still whisper about them, "Do you think they're dating?" "I never pictured L/N being into the bad boy type." "Do you think he forced her?" "No way they're together." "But they seem to talk a lot." "L/N doesn't have any friends right? Now that's sad." The last comment made Y/N's smile waver but she managed to keep it up. Kurusu saw the h/c hair girl's smile falter, "Can't they keep their mouths shut for once." angrily thought Kurusu.

Class started and soon the volleyball rally came, with Ms. Kawakami explaining where we have to go, "Okay, listen up everybody. As you all know today is the volleyball rally. Head to the gymnasium once you've changed. Got it?"

Y/N got out of thr girls' changing room wearing Shujin's gym uniform which consists of red sweatpants, a white shirt, and a read sweater. Once all the students came to the gym, the girls sat down and some of the boys played against the teacher where Kamoshida was at. Y/N was looking for a place to sit down only to find a empty seat next to Takamaki. "Is anyone sitting her Takamaki-san?" Takamaki looked away from playing with her hair, "No you can take it." Y/N smiled "Thank you." Takamaki only gave a shy smile. Y/N could tell that something was off about Takamaki, "This is boring, I would rather go back to class but I'll also get bored in class. I'll just be bored in both situations." sigh Y/N. Takamaki looked at the girl with a amused look, "I thought you would cheer on Kamoshida like the rest of the girls. They all seem to like him...if only they knew what he actually does." Takamaki mumbled the last bit. Y/N couldn't hear the last part, but made a disgusted face and faked a hurl, "Who would ever like Kamoshida?" Takamaki laughed at Y/N reaction towards Kamoshida. "You don't like him, like a crush?" Y/N gave Takamaki a look of disgust, "No. That's just...wrong. In so many ways."  Takamaki and Y/N both chuckled and soon started to talk about different things. There was a few times where they both would laugh, and two pairs of eyes noticed this. Kurusu looked at Y/N laugh and his onyx eyes soften at the sight with a small smile. Kamoshida who was playing noticed and became worried that Takamaki would tell his sister everything that he tried to hide from her. Kamoshida became frustrated that he spiked the ball, unfortunately someone got hit by it. Y/N looked to see her brother spike the ball towards her classmate, Mishima. Y/N excuse herself and ran towards Mishima, "Mishima-san are you okay?" said the panicked teen. Kamoshida lifted the net and ran towards Mishima where his sister was at, "Sorry. Are you alright?" Mishima didn't respond so Kamoshida's shout, "Someone take him to the nurse's office." Kamoshida began to roughly pull on Mishima arms, "Hey! Be carefull he might have a concussion from that hit!" angrily spoke Y/N. "I'll take him to the nurse's office." Y/N kneeled next to Mishima and gently wrapped his arm around her neck and slowly stood up and let his wieght go onto to her. Mishima was able to hold himself up, but Y/N still gave him support and they slowly walk towards the nurse's office. "I'm okay. You don't have to take me to the nurse." Y/N heard Mishima but still kept walking to the nurse, "No can do. We still need to make sure if the volleyball didn't damage your head. And you need to rest at the nurse's office, alright?"

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