Chapter 14

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School came to an end with Akira receiving a smack of chalk. Y/n was about to go talk to Akira, but Ms. Kawakami stopped her.

"L/n can you please go to the P.E. faculty off. Kamoshida is asking for you." Y/n body tense up and was starting to become wary of him.

Ann and Akira slowly started to pack so they could eavesdrop. Unfortunately, Y/n agreed and went to visit her brother.

"Morgana we're putting our meeting on hold." Akira spoke with all seriousness. Morgana popped out of Akira's bag and nodded understanding the situation.

Ann and Akira followed the h/c hair girl to the office and tried to overhear your conversation with Kamoshida. Of course Ryuji decided to send a message to the both of them about their meeting.

Their phones ringed and the sound bounced off the hallways creating an echo. Ann and Akira panicked and ran behind a stack of boxes.

Kamoshida aggressively opened the door and saw no one in the hallway. He went back to his office with annoyance.

Ann and Akira took out their phones and saw a text message from Ryuji.

"Ryuji that idiot. We could have gotten some valuable intel." Morgana muttered out.

"Well since Kamoshida is alert now we might as well go to the rooftop." Ann sighed out in annoyance.

Ann started to walk away, but Akira could only look back at the closed door. Morgana tried to comfort him, "Don't worry about her. I doubt Kamoshida will do anything now. Especially if he heard something around here. So there's nothing to worry about." Akira sighs in distress and walks away with Ann and Morgana.

Y/n tilted her head towards her brother, "Is something wrong?"

Kamoshida shut the door and turned to you with a force smile, "I was just concerned about your safety."

Y/n was becoming more confused, "My safety? What do I need to be protected from?"

Kamoshida turned away from your figure where you only saw his back, "It's about the new transfer student. I heard that you were hanging out with him and some classmates were worried. " Kamoshida held back a sly smirk

Y/n was already tensing up "Kurusu Akira, right?" Y/n tried to fienge confusion hoping her brother would drop the topic if she plays dumb.

Kamoshida kept pestering, "Yes him. If I were you, I would stay away from him. You know because of his probation and assault. I know I sound over protective, but I don't want you hanging out with him. He might hurt you or worse. "

Y/n looked down and Kamoshida turned back to notice Y/ns frown, and tried to hug her. Y/n step away from his hug, "Akira... Akira might have a record but that doesn't mean he's a bad person. Akira is actually quite nic-"

Y/n was cut off by Kamoshida's angry voice, "How do you know? You barely know each other for a couple of days." Y/n froze and took a deep breath.

"Even though we know each other for a couple of days I still talk enough with him to see who he is. People say that he'll beat you up if you look at him, but here I am with no bruises. Akira isn't like the rumors at all. You don't have to worry." Y/n finished and waited for her brother's reaction.

Y/n felt the room go heavy and she tried to leave, but Kamoshida blocked the exit.

"Y/n starting tomorrow I'm driving you to school." Kamoshida looked at Y/n with a straight face.

"Why? I can take the subways." Y/n tried to convince her brother but to no avail. Kamoshida refused to let her take the subway.

Kamoshida stared her down and y/n reluctantly agreed. Kamoshida let out a sly smirk, "Good. I'll drop you off a block away from school."

Y/n was confused by this agreement, "Why a block away? At this point I should take the subway, right?" Kamoshida huffed in frustration and brushed off her statement, "It doesn't matter. I'm still driving you to school."

Y/n sighed and left Kamoshida's office. Kamoshida waited for her footsteps to disappear. Her footsteps were gone and he let out another chuckle, "Now she can finally get away from Kurusu, especially when we hold the meeting."

Ann and Akira walked to the rooftop where Ryuji was sitting on top of the tables. Ryuji looked up from his phone and the meeting started, "Looks like we're all here. Mkay, let's get goin'!" Ryuji was about to start the navigation when Morgana intervened.

"You idiot! You prevented us from getting new information between Kamoishisa and Y/n!" Morgana yelled out in Akira's bag.

"What did I do?" Ryuji yelled back. Akira, already getting annoyed, spoke "You messaged us when we were trying to eavesdrop on Kamoshida's and Y/n's conversation." Akira spoke out.

Ryuji was about to yell back when he noticed Akira's angry expression, and he soon let out a smirk, "Oh, Y/n huh?" Akira let out a gulp.

"You should have seen it. He tensed up when she came by his desk. Not to mention they're on a first name basis." Ann chuckled out. Morgana also added on, "You think that's funny. You should have seen how he acts when they take the subwa-'' Morgana's mouth was muffled by Akira's hand.

Ann's eyes brighten up, "What happened? What happened?" Ann squealed out. Morgana tried to speak but froze at Akira's statement, "If you say anything. No. More. Tuna."

"I'm sorry Lady Ann." Morgana spoke dejectedly. Ryuji laughed, "Let's go to the palace."

"Hold on, it's still too early for us to head to the palace." Morgana jumped onto Ryuji's lap.

Ryuji looked at Morgana with an irritated expression, "But why? Don't we just gotta steal the Treasure thing?"

Morgana could only shake his head, "Don't underestimate the dangers of that place. We need to prepare." Morgana sighed out. "Ain't that Persona shit we got enough to deal with it?" Ryuji said, trying to brush off Morgana's statement.

Morgana eyes twitched at Ryuji's statement, "That's exactly what I mean when I say don't underestimate it. You'll die if you mess up in there. So again, we need to prepare before we head in."

Ann and Akira looked at eachother with the same confused expression, "But... how exactly are we supposed to do that?" question Ann.

Morgana let out a goofy smile, "I'm glad you asked, Lady Ann. First, we'll need to find better equipment for all of you."

Ryuji thought about the store he went to, "You talkin' bout weapons? I know a kick-ass place." Ryuji said. Morgana nodded towards Ryuji, "In that case, you can handle that side of things.

"The only other thing would be stocking up on medicine. Don't worry, I know just the place. Now then, Akira and I have some business in Yongen, so let's head off for today." Morgana shouted.

"Business? After that whole thing of teasing me." Akira spoke out. Morgana sighed, "Just come with me! I won't be able to get close enough by myself!"

The meeting between the four was over. Morgana and Akira went to get medicine from a local doctor that came to Leblanc. Soon that task was over they both went home.

Sojiro heard the bell and saw Akira walking in, "Oh you know that friend of yours who came here? She said you don't have to wait for her at the subway anymore. I don't know what you did but she seemed sad. You better make it up to her." Sojiro said.

Akira nodded and went upstairs with Morgana. "Do you think it has something to do with Kamoshida?" Morgana asked.

"I think so. She did go to his office earlier." Akira said and laid down on his bed.

"If only Ryuji didn't message us." Morgana complained, but Akira kept thinking about what Kamoshida could have said or worse done to you.

"I'll ask her tomorrow." Akira thought before he drifted off to sleep.


I'm so sorry for the long delay.

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