chapter 11

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F/n- Father's name                                                                                                                                                                f/hc- Father's hair color                                                                                                                                                f/ec- Father's eye color


Outside of Y/n's apartment was still dark, you could feel the crisp morning air. Y/n was still asleep, but her brother was already awake. He didn't see Y/n last night at all, she already locked herself in her room.

He frantically tapped his foot against the floor creating a rhythm. He was anxious, wondering what happen to her, "Was it the attempted suicide? But she doesn't hang out with that girl...or anyone at all... What happened?" quietly whispered Kamoshida.

He was panicking and started to pace around his room, he didn't want anything bad to happen to you. He didn't want to lose you, he only had you. Kamoshida glanced at his bookshelf and started to walk up to it. He bent down and took out a book that his mother made for their family. It was a scrapbook of all the pictures they took together as a family.

Kamoshida walked to his bed and looked through the pictures and started to reminisce about the times spent together before they left. He started to remember when he first met Y/n.

Kamoshida was studying for his finals so he can participate in the Volleyball Nationals. He was getting frustrated from staring at one problem and not understanding that he took a break.

He went to the living room where he saw his mom all dressed up for her date with a man she meant through a friend. "Be careful mom. We don't know if he's a pervert." Kamoshida spoke while flipping through the channels. His mom rolled her eyes and was checking the time when she received a call.

Her face brightened up from the phone number and answered, "F/n are you here already?" Kamoshida's mom's smile started to go down, " have to cancel because you can't find a babysitter."

Kamoshida glared at the phone on his mom's hand, but noticed his mother's sad smile. He sighed and muttered to himself, "I'm gonna regret this later."

Kamoshida looked at his mom, "I can babysit. That way you guys don't have to miss your date." Kamoshida's mom eagerly told her date that her son could babysit. Kamoshida could only look at his mother's bright smile. Its been awhile since he saw her smile like that.

Kamoshida's mouth twitched up but he soon started to judge his mother's date. They both sat in the living room flipping through channels when they heard their door bell ring. Kamoshida's mom smiled and quickly went to the door. Kamoshida soon followed and saw his mother open the door.

Outside the door stood a tall man with f/hc hair and f/ec eyes brighten when he saw his date. Next to the tall man stood a child with h/l h/c hair and large e/c eyes. They were clutching a stuffed cat and clinging onto the man's leg. Kamoshida's mom looked down at the small child.

"Hello sweetie. What's your name?"

The small child slightly went behind their father leg and stuttered

"H-hello. My name is Y/N."

The mom gently smiled at the girl remembering how she took care of Kamoshida when he was a child. The mother noticed the stuff cat that the girl was holding, "What an adorable cat you have there."

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