Chapter 13

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Akira was staring out the window and remembering what happened in the morning.

"Ok, Akira." A small gentle smile grace your face. Akira couldn't help but stare at your smile.

Akira looked up at the e/c eye girl, "It's nice to hear my name coming from your mouth Y/n." Akira couldn't help but tease y/n.

Y/n didn't react as she normally did with her flustered face, instead she brushed it off. "Alright Akira calm down" Y/n grinned.

Akira was pulled away from his daydreaming from the bell ringing, signaling lunch time. Akira looked down at his desk to see Morgana with his teasing smile, "So, Y/n huh?"

Akira glared at Morgana and heard a chuckle from Ann, "Y/n? I see someone is already on a first name basis." Ann let out a smirk.

"Not you too Ann. First Morgana now you, what's next Ryuji?" Akira groaned out only to tense up from a voice.

"Are you ok Akira?" Akira looked up and saw the girl that Ann and Morgana were teasing him about. Ann was trying to hold back her smile while Morgana was holding his laughter. Y/n couldn't hear Morgana's laughter, but soft meows.

Her eyes brighten up from the sound and quickly looks under Akira desk. There tuck away in a curled up ball, layed Morgana. Y/n silently squealed to herself, and softly whispered, "I didn't think Morgana would stay quiet. I'm happy you weren't caught or Morgana would have been taken away."

Morgana let out a soft purr while Ann was struggling to now hold back her laughter from the interaction and Akira's reaction. Y/n noticed Ann's body was shaking, so she ran to her desk to grab the container of muffins. She ran back to Akira and Ann.

"Would you like one Takamaki-san?" Ann jolt up from Y/n's presence and look up to see a ray of muffins. Ann's eyes lit up and she gently took a muffin. Akira tried to swipe another one, but Y/n quickly lifted up her tray.

Y/n eagerly looked at Ann with anticipation, Ann took a bite and stayed silent. Y/n started to panic, "Oh no! What do we do? Are you sure it was okay Akira!?"

Akira could only shrugged his shoulders, "It was good to me but Ann has-" Akira was cut off by Ann's squeals of delight. Ann started munching on the muffin like she was starving for weeks. Once she was finished she looked up towards Y/n who was becoming nervous.

Blue eyes stared at Y/n with delight "L/n this was amazing. The delicate flavor of coffee was just perfect for this muffin. It wasn't bitter at all!" Ann eagerly spoke out.

Y/n awkwardly smiled and gave Ann another muffin, "You can have another one Takemaki-san." shyly spoke y/n.

Ann quickly thanked her and grabbed another muffin. Akira grumble to himself about not getting one. Y/n titled her head towards Akira's reaction and sighed.

"Fine. You can take the rest home, but you have to savour them." Y/n place the tray of muffins on top of Akira's desk. Akira stared at the muffins in amazement and eagerness.

Akira looked up to Y/n with a grateful expression, "Thank you Y/n. I can't wait to eat them." Akira softly smile and place the tray in his bag. The trio began conversing between themselves, where Ann mentioned Shiho.

Y/n couldn't help but look down in shame after Suzui was mentioned. "I'm so sorry." Y/m muttered out. Ann and Akira went quiet, while Morgana perked up from Y/n's sad tone.

All three of them looked at the h/c hair girl with concern, "It's not your fault to begin with. So you don't have any reason to apologize. We know that you tried and that's more than anyone did." Ann trailed with a frown on her face. She couldn't help but clench her fist when she knew Kamoshida was at fault, and you were blaming yourself for it.

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