Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

"I am Morino Ibiki! I will be your proctor for the first exam... and it will be... a written test!" He said. I turn to look at Naruto to see his reaction. His face paled a little... okay, a lot... but what Ibiki have exclaimed.

The first will be written test... I wonder how hard it'll be...

-Chunnin Exam: Written Test-


I wait for my turn to take a number, to know where I'll be sitting. Which isn't so long. Soon enough I hear my name being called. So I walk forward and take the number from them.

I look at the number and try to find my seat. I found it and take a seat. I turn to my left to see Gaara. "Hi there, Gaara... looks like we're be sitting together..." I said, smiling at him. He turns to me and give me a small smile. "Good luck for the test, Gaara..." I said. "You too..." he said, in a low voice.

Once everyone is seated, Ibiki starts telling us about how the test will be going. Along with some rules. I find the rules a bit odd. If get caught cheating, they would only reduce 1 point. There must be something behind it... the real purpose.

Then the exam begins. I cross my arms as I re-call about the rules. 'It's really weird how they only reduce 1 point. What's the purpose' I thought to myself. Then I glance around the room. I see they all cheats in their own ways.

Sasuke using his Sharingan. Neji uses his Byakugan. Then I glance at Gaara, who's forming an eye with his sand. Then I turn to observe at the rest of the supervisors. I notice how they are all taking notes. Why are they taking notes... why don't they call us out? This exam is really fishy.

Come on, Kid... think... I know you can do it.. I hear Saphira's voice, encouraging me. I know... I know... there has to be something... the real purpose of this test... I know I'm close to it I reply. I close my eyes and think. My dad used to be going in missions to gather information, he manage to slip by without getting caught. Then something clicks in my mind.

That's it! The purpose of this test is to find out how well we gather information without getting caught! Yeah... that must be it!

"Skulvakas Ven..." I whispers under my breath. Then in an instant, my eye sight sharpened. I look around the room to search for the best answers, then I copy them down. It takes about half an hour and I'm done with mine. Then my mind drift of to Naruto. I can see him visibly struggling. Come on Naruto... you've gotta know the real purpose.


"Put your pencil down! The test is over!" Ibiki's voice boomed across the room. I've finished mine a while ago, so I'm not holding my pen.

"Now... the 10th question... but before I tell you the question... there is a catch on this one... if you decide to take it and fail... you'll be forbid to take the test ever again..." he said. That doesn't scare me... not a bit. One by one... students starts to exit the class as they give up.

Naruto raise his hand. 'No... that's not the Naruto I know... he wouldn't give up so easily...' I thought to myself. I smile when he slams his hand on the desk. "I don't care if I stuck as a Genin for the rest of my life... I'll still be the Hokage, dattebayo!" He yelled. Now that's the Naruto I know... I'm so proud of him.

His word encourages everyone and no one else quit. "That's it? No more? Okay... for those of you who've decided to stay... passed..." Ibiki said. "Wait... what about the 10th question??" Ino asks. "There never was a 10th question... and I'm sure most of you have figured out the real purpose of this test..." Ibiki said, looking at me.

I can feel everyone's eyes on me. I just look around, feeling a bit nervous by all the attention. "Care to tell us, kid?" He asks. "Um... sure... the purpose is to see how well we are able to gather information without getting caught... and I know you've placed 2 Chunnin leveled Shinobi in this room..." I said. All of their eyes widened after hearing what I've said.

"Do you know who those two are?" He asks again. "Of course... its them, right?" I said, pointing to the two Chunnin. They smirk at me, confirming it. "Very well done... you'd make a very excellent Chunnin..." he said. I smile proudly at what he have said.

Then suddenly, someone enters the class through the window... which sends shards of shattered glass all around the room. I cover my head in attempt to protect myself from the shards, but nothing hits me. I turn my head and is shocked to see Sand, covering me.

I turn to look at Gaara. "Thanks, Gaara..." I said with a smile on my face. He just nods his head, although I can make out the slight smile on his face. He may be a cold person... but so far, he's been nice to me.

"You're early as usual, Anko..." Ibiki said, behind the banner. Ah.... Mitarashi Anko. She's just as loud as Naruto and just as hyper too.

"You let 26 teams passed... have you gone soft?" She said. "Or we have a promising candidates this year" he said. "Oh whatever... by the time I'm done with them... half of them will be eliminated..." she said, smirking evilly at us. Okay... that's terrifying. But oh well... no time to be afraid now. Too late to go back and now we're going to the 2nd phase of the exam.

We're now gathering in front of a huge gate. "This is the Forrest of Death... and sure enough, you're going to know why..." Anko said. Naruto starts mimicking him with a weird dance. I just sweat-dropped at him.

Then Anko throws a kunai, which graze his cheek. I clench my fist in attempt to calm myself down. How dare she hurt my best friend!

Boyfriend, you mean? Saphira said, teasing me. Oh do shut up, Saphira... you never misses a single chance to tease me, huh? I said. Love you, Kid... she said, laughing. I roll my eyes.

Then I sense a weird chakra. I turn my head to see a woman. "If you value your life... I suggest don't be too near behind me..." Anko said. "Sorry... it's just, the sight of blood excites me..." she said, looking at me. I can see a snake like eyes. Then her tongue comes out, and it's really long. My eyes widened in realization at who the woman really is. She's...


*to be continued*

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