Chapter 23

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Previously on Chapter 22

"It's okay, Gaara..." Temari said. I turn to Kankuro. He smiles at me and nod his head. "You're forgiven, Gaara... seems like she changed you, huh?" he said. "Yeah... yeah she did..." I said. "Then she must be someone important to you..." Temari said. I nod my head. "She is very important to me... I'll protect her with my life... I love her so much..." I said. They each have a soft smile on their face.

I vow to protect her with my life... no harm would come to her as long as I'm around



Lord 3rd Hokage have passed away from the attack. Today will be his funeral. Right now I'm wearing a black dress to attend the funeral. Everyone in the village will be coming.

I heard knocking at the front door. I brush quickly finish brushing my hair, then walk towards the front door. I open it to reveal Naruto. "Hey, Y/N-Chan..." he said, smiling weakly at me. "Hey..." I said. "Let's go..." he said. I nod my head and lock my apartment door. Then we make our way to wear the funeral will be.

It didn't take long for us to get there. I stand next to Naruto, with Konohamaru near me. I keep my head low as Konohamaru cries his heart out. I choke a sob and lean down, hugging him softly. He held onto my shirt tightly as he keeps on crying.

"Your grandpa is in a better place now..." I whisper softly. He just keep on crying. I rub his back gently. I can't believe Lord 3rd have passed away. Memories of him come flooding back into my mind. From the first day I got here... the day he escort me to the academy and the day I ran because I was feeling upset because I feel like an outcast.... he's the one who comforts me, introducing me to Naruto who've become my best friend now.

Iruka-Sensei hugs Konohamaru as I stand up. I turn to Naruto as he pulls me into a hug. "It's not fair... I can't believe he's gone..." I wailed, crying onto his shoulder. He caresses my hair. "Life is unfair, Y/N-Chan... we have to move on for him..." he said in a soft tone.

Then one by one, each one of us walks forward. We all place a white flower on top of his tomb. Tears keep streaming down my cheeks, as I place the flower. I look at his picture and gently run my hand on the surface. "Rest in peace, Lord 3rd. Thank you so much for all your kindness... I won't ever forget you..." I whispers. I wipe away my tears only for more to fall. Then I walk back towards the others. Naruto wraps his arm around my shoulder.

When the funeral ends, I choose to just head home. I don't feel like doing anything today. I stop walking when I heard my name being called. I turn around to see Naruto. He caught up with me. "What are going to do now, Y/N-Chan?" He asks. "Home..." I said. He hummed "can I come by?" He asks. "Yeah sure... I could make you some ramen..." I said. He grins and walks with me to my apartment.

After a while of walking, we finally reached my apartment. I unlock the door, opening it and let Naruto in. He walks in with me. I lock the door again. Then I lead him to the kitchen.

"Have a seat, Naruto... I'm going to start making the ramen now..." I said. He nods his head and I walk to the stove, pouring in some water. Then start making the ramen. I walk back to the dining room with two bowl of ramens. I place one in front of Naruto and one in front of me. Then we start eating in silent.

"Do you know Sasuke is in the hospital?" He asks. I nod my head. "Yeah... I plan on visiting him later today..." I said. "Oh okay... I'll go with you then..." he said. I smile at him softly. Then we finish up our meal. I grab the dirty dishes and make my way to the sink.

I start washing the dirty dishes. "Y/N-Chan?" I hear Naruto calls out. "Yeah?" I asks, turning around. He stands up from his seat, and fiddling his fingers. He seems nervous. I raise my eye-brow at him. "Do you need anything?" I asks. "Um... I Uh... um..." he said, shuttering. I raise my eye-brow at him in confusion. "Are you okay?" I asks. "I... uhh..." he said again. "I am really confuse right now... is there anything you wish to say to me?" I asks. He walks forward, closer towards me. Then he holds my hands gently. I look down at my hand, then at him.

"I... I like you, Y/N... like... a lot... I have for a while now... you're such an amazing girl... and... you've always been there for me..." he said. I can feel my eyes widened. "Naruto... I..." I start. He just stay silent as he waits for me to continue. "I like you Naruto... but not that way... I like you as a friend. Nothing more..." I said. His face saddened at what I said. "Besides... I'm kind of... taken now..." I said, looking down. "T-taken? W-With who?!" He said, in shock. "Gaara..." I said. "What??? Since when?!" He said, even more shock.

"About 3 days ago..." I said. "Oh.. well then. Congrats then... I hope you're happy with him..." he said. I hug him softly. "I'm sorry Naruto... you're like a brother to me... I can't see you as more than that" I said. He hugs me back. "I understand, Y/N... don't feel bad about me..." he said, placing a soft kiss on the side of my forehead.

"Gaara asks me to move to Sunagakure with him..." I said. "And would you?" He asks. "I don't know... all I could think of is what I've promised him.." I said. He furrowed his eyebrow at me. "What promise was it about?" He asks. "That I'll always be there for him..." I said. "So there's a high chance that you'd actually move to Suna?" He asks. "Maybe... if the Hokage lets me... but we don't have a Hokage now... since..." My voice comes to stop, I can't finish that sentence. He just nods his head understanding. "Sorry, Naruto..." I said. He shakes his head "it's okay... you love him... I understand..." he said, smiling at me. Tough I can easily see the sadness in his eyes. I look at him with a sad smile. "We can still be friends, right?" I said. "Of course... you're my best friend, Y/N-Chan..." he said. I smile happily at him and pulls him into a hug.

*to be continued*

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