Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

I quickly turn around and point my sword right at his throat. "Nice reflect... for a kid..." he said. I smirk as I glare at him with my dragon eyes. "I suggest for you to not underestimate your opponent, Momochi. I've been looking forward to killing you! You took EVERYTHING from me!" I said, slashing his throat. But he burst into water. 'Tch... of course...' I thought to myself.


-Feeling at Peace-


He appears behind me, holding his sword close to my neck. He just let out a chuckle. "Trying to avenge your pathetic clan and village, huh? Good luck with that..." he said. He slash my neck, but I disappear. I reappear behind him. "You're not the only one that can use water clone..." I said, smirking. I kick him, making him flung to the river.

I was about to jump after him, when Kakashi-Sensei stops me. "Sensei! Why did you stop me from killing that guy?? That monster killed my entire village!" I scream at him. "Y/N! Being revengeful isn't going to fix anything... it's just going to make you suffer a lot more... you can't fight Zabuza in your current level. Trust me on this... fighting him now will only get you killed" he said. I clench my hands into a tight fist as tears begin to stream down my cheeks.

He place a hand on my shoulder. "We need you to focus on this mission... protect Mr. Tazuna... leave him to me... okay?" he said. I wipe my tears and nod my head. "Okay..." I said. Then he turns to Zabuza and they start to battle.

The next thing I know, is Kakashi-Sensei got trapped inside a water sphere. "Everyone listen to me... get Mr. Tazuna and leave! The clone can't go too far from the main body..." he instruct us. I shake my head "no! I've lost enough people I cared about... I'm not going to lose you too Sensei!" I said. The others agrees with me.

Naruto and Sasuke came up with a plan. I stand back as a back up, ready to help if needed. Sasuke attacks with a giant shuriken. Zabuza jumps to avoid getting hit. Then the giant shuriken turns into Naruto, who throws a kunai at him.... this cause him to release the jutsu he have on Kakashi-Sensei.

They start to battle. Their movement is too fast, that a normal eyes would have difficulties to see. But I can see their movement just fine, thanks to my eyes. Which is still using the dragon eyes.

Then a giant water vortex hit Zabuza, sending him into a tree. "This will be your final battle..." he said. But before he could end Zabuza.... senbon needles are thrown, hitting Zabuza on the neck. I turn my head to see a guy standing on a tree. "You're right... this is his last battle..." he said. Then he took Zabuza with him.

My eyes turns back to normal as they start to going in and out of focus. The last thing I remember... is someone calling out for me and someone catches me. Then everything turns black.


The first thing I notice when I wake up, is the soft futon I'm laying on. I open my eyes and realize I'm in a room of a house.

I groan as I try to sit up. "Easy... you just wake up..." I heard someone said. I clutch my head as I turn to the voice, to see a young woman. "Who are you?" I asks. "My name is Tsunami... Tazuna is my father... thank you so much for escorting him home safely..." she said. The softness of her tone... reminds me of my mother. Tears begin to cloud my eyes. I look down to hide them, but she sees them anyway.

"Why are you crying?" She asks. I can hear the worry in her tone. I didn't answer as I begin to sob softly. I feel a soft embrace and realize she have pulled me in for a hug.

"She lost her entire clan and village when she was a kid..." another voice said. I know it's Kakashi-Sensei. "Oh dear... I'm so sorry you have to go through that" Tsunami said, as she caress my hair with so much care. I just continue to cry as I lean on her shoulder.

Once I'm calm, I pull away from her hug and look away from her. "Sorry... I didn't mean to cry in front of you like that..." I said. "It's okay... I understand that you must have gone through a hard time..." she said. Another tear escape my eyes and I wipe them away. I turn to look at her and she smiles at me softly.

"Your soft voice... reminds me of my mom..." I said. She looks surprise, then she smiles again. "Then you may call me mom... if you want..." she said. My eyes widened, then I slowly smile at her. "Thanks... mom" I said. She runs her hands through my hair. "You're very welcome... sweetie" she said.

Now I'm in the kitchen, helping Tsunami prepare for dinner. It's kinda awkward for me to keep calling her  mom. She just told me that I can call her mom when I wanted to. I happily agree with her.

After I'm done with cooking I turn to her. "Can you give it a taste?" I asks. She grabs a spoon and scoop up a little. She blows softly, then put it into her mouth. "It taste good! Wow... such a young girl like you... knows how to cook... I'm so impressed" she said. "Well... I don't have a choice but to learn how to cook at an early age... since... I have no one to look after me..." I said, looking down. She caresses my head again. I look up at her and smiles. She smiles back and we prepare the table for everyone to sit and eat.

After dinner, I prepare myself for bed. I change into my pajamas that I've packed with me and lay on the futon where I previously laid on. I stare up at the ceiling. 'After so long... I'm finally able to feel a care of a mother... even if it's not from you, mom... it's still makes me feel happy... like you're actually here with me...' I thought to myself. I stare at the photo of her in my dragon necklace. It's not just a necklace... it's actually a locket. I smile and softly kiss the photo and close it. I turn to lay on my side and close my eyes. Slowly drift off to sleep.

*to be continued*

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