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After the snack pack left, Poppy and Branch were left to just chat about anything they can think of, all thought still a bit strict and reserved, Branch was more expressive.

Poppy knew it would take longer for her to fully gain Branch's trust, but she wanted to get to know him more, he was worth it.

A Few Days Later...

After that night, Branch acted more of a roommate/housemate than a bound ghost.

Although they would mostly just talk about any random thing, whether it make sense or not, it was a very cherished time between them.

It may have been just a few days but Branch already considered Poppy as a best friend, and we all know that the same goes for Poppy.

But Poppy, and Branch are kinda sad. The reason?

That's because Poppy starts school today and with that, they won't have as much time to spend with each other.

"I'm gonna miss youuuu!" Poppy said as she gave Branch a hug.

Branch hugged back before replying, "Geez, Poppy, your just going to school, plus it's not hug time yet."

Poppy pouted at Branch before breaking the hug and getting an idea.

"I know! Why don't you just come with me!?" Poppy exclaimed in excitement.

"First of all, I'm dead, second of all, no, I'll just distract you from actually paying attention." Branch stated in a matter of fact way.

"Well who cares if your dead? You are visible and I can barely even tell your a ghost! Plus! You could even just go to school with me and only be visible to me! I mean, you never really got the chance to go to school so why not?" Poppy pleaded back with a bit of hope.

Branch sighed before shaking his head and replying back to Poppy, "Sorry Pops, it's a no. For now, maybe sometime in the future. Besides, I may not have went to school and finished, but I'm positive I'm smarter and know more than you."

Poppy pouted before sighing and picking up her bag, she gave Branch one last smile and left for school

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Poppy pouted before sighing and picking up her bag, she gave Branch one last smile and left for school.

Poppy's POV.

When I got to school, I met up with my friends and we all headed to our first class.

When the teacher came in, she introduced herself, "Hi class! My name is Cybil, and I will be your homeroom teacher, since today is the first day, why don't you spend this time to get to know your other fellow students." Cybil said as she sat down on her chair and closed her eyes as though she was meditating.

I looked around, my friends ended up in a different class than me, I saw a boy, who had his hair dyed, a light blue fading into a light green.

I walked up to said boy and greeted him with a smile, "Hi! I'm Poppy Feild! What's your name?"

The boy looked at me before lightly smiling then replied, "Creek Pricksley, nice to meet you too!"

Me and Creek started chatting with each other till the class ended.

"See ya next time?" I asked as I waved him bye.

"You bet!" Creek answered, waving back at me.

I took the next classes I had, although I found most of the thing the teaches talked about boring, I also made sure to pay attention.

Finally, it was lunch time and me and my friends sat down on a lunch table together, at that moment, Creek walked in and I invited him over.

"Creek! Over here!" I exclaimed as I waved my arms at in the air.

"Guys, this is Creek, Creek, meet Smidge, Satin, Chennille, Biggie, Guy Diamond, Cooper, and Suki!" I said as I pointed at each of my friends introducing them one by one.

"Hi," Creek greeted back as he sat down next to me.

Me, Creek and the snack pack spent the entire lunch time talking to each other about the most random things.

Branch's POV.

I got pretty bored, so I ended up floating over to Poppy's school to see how Poppy's doing.

Of course, I was in my invisible mode, if you wanna call it that.

It was lunch time so I headed straight for the cafeteria. I saw Poppy and her friends at the table, along with this other guy.

I don't really know him, but my ghost senses are giving me bad vibes about him.

I watched as he laughed at something Poppy said before booping her nose.

"Oh sorry! It's a thing common in my family to show friendliness." Creek said to Poppy.

Friendliness my butt.

Wait a minute, what is this feeling? It's as though I wanna just show myself and tell that guy to back off. Whatever, probably just nothing.

I got closer but not too close for Poppy to sense me, which is what I noticed Poppy could do for the week we spent as friends.

Poppy giggled before replying to Creek, "It's fine, I actually think it's kinda cute!"

Poppy and Creek, who now somewhat seprated in terms of conversation from the snack pack, where getting very friendly with each other.

I watched in annoyance as I decided to head back home but not before I heard Creek ask Poppy in a whisper, "Wanna hang out this weekend? Just the two of us?"

I didn't even bother waiting for Poppy to reply, I already knew what her answer would be.

3rd POV.

Branch went back home and Poppy finished all her classes on the first day.

Poppy and the snack pack where now heading home. Upon reaching the neighborehood their houses are on, they oarted ways and heades for their respective houses.

Poppy entered her and Branch's house to be greeted by a Branch on the couch, with what seemed to be a worn out sketch pad, and when she meant worn out, she meant it was literally worn out to the point itnwas even withering at the edges.

"What ya doing Branch?" Poppy asked, setting down her bag on another chair before sitting right next to Branch.

"Just drawing," Branch replied, not taking his eyes of his notebook as Poppy took a peek.

"That's so good!" Poppy exclaimed seeing the detail and flawless drawing Branch was in the process of doing.

Branch looked at Poppy, smiled then looked back at his artwork, finishing the last few details then setting it down on the table infront of them.

"So, how was school?" He asked with a neutral expression.

Poppy beamed up at the question, and replied with enthusiasm, "It was great! Though the classes were boring, I met a new friend! His name is Creek Pricksley, and he asked if we could hang this weekend, and of course I said yes!"

More like Creek Prick to me, Branch thought.

Branch nodded, then said, "Cool, but you have to get through the week first."

Poppy punched his shoulder playfully, "I can survive a week of school dummy!" she said with a laugh.

Branch chuckled, as he watched Poppy get up from the couch to make some dinner.

The smile on Branch's face soon faded into that of a normal look, one thing was for sure though.

This was gonna be a very long week.


Till Infinity and Beyond: Broppy Fanfic (Human/Ghost AU)Where stories live. Discover now