Fight for Her

186 13 31

After the first four classes, Poppy and Branch met up with the others in the hallway and headed to the cafeteria.

The group of friends sat down at an empty table and started talking to each other eating away at their food at the same time.

"Not to ruin the vibe or anything but has any of you noticed Creek isn't at school?" Branch asked, all eyes looking upon him.

Poppy swallowed the food she was chewing and replied, "Oh um, weird thing, I actually heard he died."

Branch was shocked. Sure, he hated the guy, but he'd never wish death to fall upon anyone, as someone who's dead, he knows how hard it is.

"Wait what? How'd he die?" Branch asked in curiosity.

"Well, according to my dad, after I told him what happened, he called the police, and apprently as the police went to arrest him he ran away, and in the chase, he wasn't looking where he was going and ran across the road, and he got hit by a truck." Poppy answered.

"Woah." Smidge said, eyes wide in suprise.

"Woah is right Smidge! That's the most dramatic way someone could possible die!" Guy exclaimed, this in turn earned him deadpan expressions from the others, with the exception of Branch facepalming.

"You sound more suprised of Creep- Creek dying by a car accident, than when you found out ghost as you people call us spirits, exists." Branch deadpanned at Guy.

"Well it's a truck accident but I was more suprised with your case bro! So suprised my mind blew up mended itself and blew up again!" Guy exclaimed with jazz hands at the end.

Branch rolled his eyes at this then gave a small giggle right after. All of them resumed to talk about other things till lunch break was over.

On their way to class, Poppy parted ways with Branch and the snack pack claiming she had to get something, so now Branch and the snack pack where left alone to head to their next class which all of them had math.

"So, Branch, how's uh life?" Cooper asked, rather nervously. You see, the snack pack and Branch may have talked, but mostly because both sides made the effort to do so purely because of Poppy.

The snack pack wants to be supportive of Poppy's choice of relationship, which they are, but they just can't properly have a one to one convo with Branch most probably because Poppy hangs with Branch all the time. Meanwhile, Branch is more of a keep to himself kinda guy if you guys haven't noticed, and the main reason he tags along with Poppy and the Snack packs hangouts is because he knows the snack pack means a lot to Poppy and she would be very happy to see him and the snack pack be very close.

Now here we are in this predicament in where the snack pack actually wants to build a friendship connection with Branch, but althought Branch is willing, he is still feels insecure about being around people.

Smidge hit Cooper with her elbow before cutting in ubruptly with as equal nervousness as Cooper had, "Cooper, uh didn't mean anything bad by he's choice of wording!"

Branch sighed but smiled anyway, "I know, don't worry about it." Branch said.

All of them stood awkwardly together for a moment before Branch suddenly spoke, "I just-, I just wanna say thanks, for um, uh, everything, for being so nice to me, even if you barely now me, or uh being, you know? And uh for not objecting to me and Poppy's relationship despite being as I said, ya know, and ya basically everything that you've done for me, and uh, sorry again for being mean when you guys first came."

The members of the snack pack looked at each other, smiles brightening up on their faces. "It's really not a big deal, honestly we have been trying to figure out how to get to know you and properly be friends, besides, you being, ya know, doesn't affect who you are as a person and Poppy said she saw something in ya, so we believe her, besides, what a person is doesn't matter, a relationship is between two people who love each other, and we know you love Poppy as much as she loves you." the snack pack took turns in saying.

Branch blushed at this and chuckled a bit, just then a group of girls approached them.

"Hey there cutie!" One of them said.

The snack pack groaned meanwhile Branch looked at the girls confused. "Um what can I do for you?" he asked confused.

"Oh there are lots of things you can do for us~" The other girl said winking at Branch with a seductive look which Branch internally cringed at.

"Back off gurls!" Satin said pointing her finger at the girls sassily, "He's taken!" Chennile continued doing the same gesture as her sisters.

"Oh look! The freaks are here!" the last girl said with a mocking impression, this made Branch stand upright.

"Yeah! The bullfrog, the mutants, the dumb giraffe, the rich kid wannabe, human record player, the brat, the eyeless geek, and not to mention, egh that annoying little girl who acts like a kindergartner! Who isn't with you weirdly." the first girl said with a disgusted expression.

The snack pack looked down, loosing their confidence, but Branch? Ohhh something snapped, because for a brief second, his feet lifted off from the ground, just a tiny lift, only to land back down immedietly.

"Oh, well, what about you girls? How would you describe yourselves?" Branch asked with a smirk, confusing the snack pack.

The second girl blushed, "I'm the richest girl in the school! Name's Chancy~," Chancy said.

"I'm the smartest girl in the campus! My name's Risa," Risa introduced.

"And I'M the most prettiest girl in the campus! Name's Shimmer!" Shimmer said as she flipped her hair at Branch and gave him a suggestive look.

"Oh~? And what does the three best girls in school want?" Branch asked smirk growing.

"I don't know what do you have in mind~?" Shimmer asked leaning closer to Branch.

At the same time Poppy was heading back to join up with the others when she saw what was happening, she didn't know what to think, but she did know one thing, Branch doesn't do things without reason, so she decided to demand an explanation on what he was doing, but as she got to hearing range she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Hmm, I'm thinkinggggg, You," Branch started pointing at Shimmer with a grin. "Yes?" Shimmer asked, "and your friends," Branch continued, Shimmer and her friends eagerly waiting for Branch to continue.

"Stop lying to yourselves with your narcisistic beliefs and not only stay away from me and my friends but also stop talking about MY girlfriend Poppy like that! Capiche?" Branch snarled at the trio.

Poppy's heart filled with pride and joy, Branch was standing up to the worst girls at school, for her and her friends.

The three girls had their faces turn red with anger as they huffed and walked away in annoyance. Poppy ran up to Branch and enveloped him in a big hug.

"I love you soooo much! Did ya know that?" Poppy said kissing Branch on the lips for a brief second then nuzzling her nose against his.

"Hmm, do I know that? Let me think, yes yes I do, I love myself too~," Branch said with a teasing smirk as he hugged back. Poppy snickered at this before Bramch added, "And I love ya too."

The snack pack joined in the hugs aswell, "That was awesome dude!" Guy said with fists up in the air.

"Yeah! We totally wasn't expecting that!" Suki added aswell in the group hug.

"Well, what are friends for?" Branch said with a shrug once they oarted from the hug. Poppy, Branch and the snack pack kept talking about the scene that had just happened as they headed to their class.


Till Infinity and Beyond: Broppy Fanfic (Human/Ghost AU)Where stories live. Discover now