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Warning: A Little Creepy(Creek x Poppy)

The week flew by quick and Poppy was excited to hang out with her new friend Creek.

Poppy looked at herself in the mirror seemingly satisfied, she then pulled down the hidden ladder and climbed up it.

Branch stopped making himself invisible when he was at the house, unless he and Poppy had guests that wasn't the snack pack.

As I was saying, Poppy opened the tiny trapdoor to the attic, seeing a sleeping Branch untop of a bean bag, not really laying on it though, but more like hovering over it as he slept peacefully.

Poppy sneaked up, being very quiet, before jumping at her and screaming,

"Boo!" as Branch woke up with a start, stopped from hovering/floating, and fell face first into the bean bag beneath him.

Branch sighed, groaning a little after as he got up, standing erect, before looking her in the eye, with a playfull yet sleepy expression.

"Isn't that suppose to be my line?" Branch said as he snickered at her, then having been interrupted by yawning.

Poppy giggled at this then looked at him, twirled around, before saying, "How do I look?"

Branch looked at Poppy, mentally frowning at how she was going to hang out with Creek, just him and her.

"You look great," Branch stated as he gave her a soft smile.

After Branch made breakfast for Poppy, and Poppy squealing and being excited.

After Poppy ate, she waved Branch goodbye and headed to her date-, I mean hang out.

She saw Creek waiting for her, then ran up to him amd gave him a hug, "Hi Creek!" Poppy cheered.

Creek hugged back, smiling lightly, "Hi to you to! Ready to go?" He asked with his cheery accent.

"Yup!" Poppy replied in a cheery attitude, as she and Creek walked towarda the amusement park.

At the Amusement Park...

(Gosh this is gonna be so annoying to write)

Poppy and Creek walked into the amusement park, Creek being the 'gentleman' he is, paid for both his and Poppy's ticket to said amusement park.

So they were just debating on what rides to go on.

"How about that one Poppy?" Creek said pointing at what seemed to be a haunted train ride kinda thing.

"Oooo! Nice pick Creek!" Poppy exclaimed, as she pulled on Creek's arm towards the ride Creek suggested.

Poppy and Creek got on the ride, and waited for the person controlling the ride to make it start. When the ride started moving, Poppy squealed in excitement as Creek simply smiled at her enthusiasm.

The mini coaster cart they were riding entered a little door way, it was very dark, amd there was little bits of neon glowing lines everywhere.

Poppy was looking around in wonder, till all of a sudden a little neon lighted cartoon ghost popped out of the side making Poppy jump a bit in her seat squeaking aswell. They one after another, neon lighted cartoon horror characters popped up one by one.

Poppy kept giggling, the little tiny jumpscares not really scaring, till suddenly the sound of lightning played in the tunnel, making Poppy scream a bit, clutching unto Creek unto the process. (Bleh, this is really annoying to write)

After the lightning and flashing stopped, Poppy took notice off her actions and Immediately stopped.

"Sorry," She muttered a Blush spreadig across her cheek.

Creek chuckled before replying in an understanding tone, "It's alright Poppy, everyone has fears, and that was kinda like a tight hug!"

Poppy giggled at Creek's comparison, she then smiled at him.

Light blinded their eyes as they exited the tunnel. They got off of the mini coaster and went to ride the other attractions, consuming the entire day.

Creek and Poppy exited the amusement park and started walking to Poppy and Branch's house, Creek offering to walk her home.

With Branch...(Not Branch's POV)

Branch boredly waited for Poppy to come home.

Although, having the entire day to himself once again was, different, not like before.

One thing was for sure though, he had a lot of thinking during that time, and what did that thinking amount to?

Well, it's just he's conclusion really, something that he was feeling, from the moment Poppy said that she would like to be his friend, and also the she liked his eyes.

Branch likes Poppy.

Branch sighed to himself, nothing he can do about it he guessed.

Branch floated to the window staring off unto the road.

With Poppy...(Again not a POV)

Poppy saw her house into view smiling as she couldn't wait to tell Branch all the happy stuff she did that day.

When they got infront of the houses front yard, Poppy said goodbye to Creek, but before she hopped towards the house, she did something Branch, who was able to see them from the window, wouldn't expect her to do.

Poppy kissed Creek's Cheek.

Creek put a hand on his cheek before smiling then waving his other hand as Poppy entered the house, Creek leaving to go home after.

Poppy greeted Branch with a hug, which he silently accepted.

"H-how was your day?" Branch asked forcing a smile.

Poppy beamed at this question, answering in the same manner of speech, "It's was the best! And guess what!"

Branch remained the same forced expression, asking in reply, "What is it?"

Poppy squealed to herself a bit before maintaing a bit of her composure, "I think I might actually like Creek!" She said pulling both of her hands to her chest.

Branch faked a chuckle before replying back, "Good for you Poppy, ya really like him don't you?"

Poppy nodded in reply before yawning, the excitement of the day catching up to her in tiredness.

"You should sleep." Branch said with a concerned look in which Poppy just nodded to and headed to her room to catch some Z's.

When Poppy had left Branch let the facade drop, a classic frown displaying on his features.

Under his his breath he mumbled, "Why did I ever though I had a chance?"


Till Infinity and Beyond: Broppy Fanfic (Human/Ghost AU)Where stories live. Discover now