Into The Afterlife

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A/N: This is what happened on the Suprise chapter when Branch went to the after life.

Branch entered the afterlife by making a portal open. Branch wondered into the after life looking around for Poppy's pet.

"I wonder where that squirrel would be in the afterlife." Branch mumbled To himself.

Branch looked all around, making sure to be sneeky and not accidentally get seen by the residents of the afterlife.

Eventually he wondered into a forest.

"I'm a smart person, I know that, and with said smartness...I am sure I'm currently lost." Branch said to himself with a dumbfounded expression.

Branch looked around in concern, "I hope I can get back before Poppy gets home

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Branch looked around in concern, "I hope I can get back before Poppy gets home." he said to himself once again.

After a few minutes of wondering around he found a clearing, Branch took a break there.

Branch heard a few rustles from a bush nearby. He went up to it, he pushed the bushed apart which lead to a dark area shrouded with trees and more, but what really stood out was the dragon the huge dragon probably the size of a building that fell down, and some eggs next too it, which were all cracked except for one of it.

Branch carefully got closer and upong closer imspection he saw a tiny little squirrel next the the egg taking a nap.

What did Branch do? Easy, what any other normal dead person would do, he grabbed a few twigs nearby, made a cage out of it, and out it over the squirrel and the egg.

It's Branch guys! What did you expect? For him to just poke the squirrel?

Well he then grabbed a stick and poked the squirrel with it.

Yes, he did still poke the squirrel.

The squirrel woke up wih the sudden touch, upon seeing it's surroundings, it started trying to get out of a cage.

"Uhhh, I know you don't understand me, but, are you Poppy's pet squirrel?" Branch said as he awkwardly stared at the small animal.

The squirrel's head perked up at the mention of Poppy's name, so Branch asked it another question.

"Can you understand me? Nod yes for yes and shake for no." Branch asked, the squirrel nodded it's head in delight.

Branch looked at it for a few more second before carefully taking the hand crafted cage and throwing it away, he then extended his hands down carefully not wanting to scare the tiny animal away.

The squirrel climbed on to Branch's hands and Branch lifted his hands up so he was face to face woth the squirrel, "Would you go back to the mortal realm with me? Poppy really misses you, and it's pet day tomorrow, she really wants to celebrate it with you." Branch said to the squirrel, wish never in his entire dead life- dead self would he think that he'd be talking to an animal as if it were a human.

The Squirrel squeaked in delight which Branch sighed in relief to.

Branch was about to leave when the squirrel tugged at his shirt, Branch looked at the squirrel and then to the egg. Suddenly,  the egg started moving a bit,  and with a big


A little dragon emerged, it was tiny but bigger than the squirrel. Branch looked at the dragon, then at the adult dragon laying there,  eyes closed, and body limp.

His face expression morphed into sympathy and relatedness as he knew what it felt like to be left alone by the person dear to you.

He bent down to it,  and extended he's hand out to it.

The dragon looked at him, then to his hand,

The little dragon then bit his hand.

"OUCH!" Branch yelped, as he stumbled backwards from the pain.

He examined he's hand where he was bitten to see a mark as if like a symbol form then fade, he then looked at the dragon on the floor curling up from the sudden outburst he made.

It imprinted on me,  he thought to himself before looking back at the creature

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It imprinted on me,  he thought to himself before looking back at the creature.

Eyes as dark and blue as a sapphire... Sapphire?

"You don't have a name yet right?" Branch asked, as if the little dragon could understand, "How about Sapphire? I could call you Phi for short as well," Branch said to it.

Phi perked up from this, "Pi! Piiiii!" she squeaked.

Branch took Phi into his arms, Phi squeaking in delight as he did so.

"Sapphire it is! A good name for a cute little girl like you, uh... You are a girl right?" Branch said as if expecting an answer.

"Pi?... Da... Da... Dada!" Phi mumbled out making Branch perk up in surprise.

"Okay, you can talk I guess, or maybe say tiny syllables, either of the two."Branch said in a surprised tone.

Branch stood up, Squirrel in hand and Dragon on shoulder as he went back to give Poppy a big surprise.


Till Infinity and Beyond: Broppy Fanfic (Human/Ghost AU)Where stories live. Discover now