SOL(Slice of Life)#1: Job Interview

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A/N: From here on out i'll be doing little one shot filler chapters like these every now and then! These filler chapter are of the same AU as the book and may or may not have any relation to the story. Hope you enjoy some slice of lifes with my version of human/Ghost Broppy!

Branch woke up with a grunt as he looked at the time and calendar-

Wait, the date on the calendar-

"Poppy! Wake up!" Branch whisper yelled at Poppy as he shook her in her sleep.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm... Five more minutes..." Poppy mumbled in response pulling the blanket upwards so it covers her head.

"Poppy, you have an Job Interview today!" Branch reasoned irritated at her lack of responsibility.

"It's summer vacation... Chill out more Branch... I could apply to another job... " Poppy sleepily mumbled.

"This is your fifth 'I could apply to another job and sleep in only to say that' excuse." Branch huffed out in annoyance.

"Then do somethin' bout it." Poppy grumbled before tucking her head under tye pillow.

Branch sighed but floated through the sheets and out the door, simply phasing right through them. He grumbled a little to himself about how Poppy wouldn't survive being an adult when the time comes.

"It's always up to me to put Poppy's life on track." Branch thought, and with one final sigh he got to work on a plan to go to Poppy's interview in her stead.


"May I ask what is your name Miss?" The man giving the interview asked what seemed to be Poppy.

Is it Poppy? You may ask? well no, it isn't.

Let me tell you on who is sitting on the chair right now and what he needed to do to be ready for the interview.

First of all, the one who is sitting on the chair, which is none other than everyone's all time favorite Brandon Forefrost AKA Branch. Why does he look like Poppy? well, that's quite easy, you see if you remember the chapter titled "Just Gossip" you may remember that our good buddy Branch can freely change his form, yes he is currently taking Poppy's place in this Interview.

So there are a few other things that isn't clear. First, although he could change his appearance he can't really change his voice, personality, or way of thinking. So what did Branch do? Well he went through rigorous training of course!

Well, as much rigorous training he could fit in 30 minutes, which was the amount of time he had.

(Yes, he had to practice being someone as carefree, challant, and cheerful as Poppy)

Anyway, let's get back to the said interview.

"HI THERE! My name is Poppy Feild! Nice too meet you." Branch said cheerfully shaking the interviewers hand vigorously. "Oh gosh this is only introductions and I'm already running low on energy and will for social interaction, how on earth does Poppy keep this up 24/7?" Branch thought to himself.

"Ah yes, you are just as we imagined you to be! Now I have heard stories about you; your deeds, your efforts, your kindness, and so on! Personally speaking I'm ready to hire you right now, but of course this interview is required. Now do you know what job are you getting interviewed for?" the interviewer asked with a pleased expression.

"Uh oh, I never really asked what job she's applying for!" Branch thought to himself, a clear emotion of panic overcoming him as he thought of what poppy would do.

"Oh! of course I do silly! Who would go to an interview without knowing what their applied for!?" Branch said cheerfully as he giggled at the end. "What more is that whether or not i know what job I'm applying for, I'm sure I can do just about any job you have for me!" Branch cheered throwing his hands up in the air for a more hyper, excited, Poppy effect.

The interviewer chuckled before simply nodding obviously amused by "supposedly-Poppy's" beaming personality and attitude.

"This is gonna be one long interview..." Branch thought to himself with a mental sigh of disapointment.

The interview continued with just simple what would you do questions for different occasions to which Branch tried to answer the way Poppy would. after most of the important topics was discussed, Branch was running out of fuel for his charade, but then again I'm pretty sure he wasn't running on fuel for quite awhile now. the interviewer noticed the dulling of his charisma and asked about it.

"Are you okay there Miss Poppy?" the interviewer asked looking at Branch curiously.

"Yup! I'm as fine as a triple rainbow with rainbow glitter on top!" Branch exclaimed, the interviewer still didn't really look convinced by this and started to eye him so Branch quickly added, "It really is nothing! well...nothing some sugary sweets can't treat!" Branch added internally gagging at even the thought of multitudes of treats.

Unfortunately for Branch, the interviewer was KIND enough to call someone to bring in some of the companies most-




Branch really felt like gagging at that point when the reporter brought the sweets in, but of course since Branch HAD to eat them, after all, it can't really be Poppy if she isn't indulging in diabetes inducing treats like the ones in front of him.

Honestly, him being a ghost means he can't really taste anything that goes into his mouth. In fact the only time he personally subjected himself to eating sweets was when Poppy let him take over her body at some occasions, and admittedly he LOVED chocolate, which was weird cause their the living embodiment of sweet itself, but who's judging his tastes?

Now as he's biting into one of the treats he can still feel the texture of the food and the food go down his throat, which he almost gagged at, being able to imagine the inense sweetness the treat possessed.

"This is really good! Can I take some home!" Branch said with a fake surprised and starstruck impression.

"I think I'm gonna die...again." Branch thought to himself.

The interview was pleased with what Branch said and told him he could take the entire bowl if he wanted, Branch of course knowing how Poppy is thanked the interviewer for his generosity and gladly but the bowl of sweets in his bag.

The interview carried on and was later finished, Branch- well Poppy got the job and Branch excused himself rushing back home.

Branch got home, morphed back to his normal form, and saw Poppy in the kitchen.

Poppy welcomed Branch back home and attempted to give him a peck on the cheek only to be dodged by Branch, him grabbing the cup of water Poppy was holding and gulping it down in one straight slurp. 

poppy huffed at being rejected, "Doesn't water or basically anything you eat or drink not taste anything to you?" she asked.

"Didn't you say water doesn't even taste anything?" Branch sassed her.

(Ya'll sensitive water drinkers who has different tastes for different types of water better not start with me-)

Poppy huffed with Branch's grumpiness.

Branch then put what seemed to be a bowl in her arms to which she recognized as very expensive candy.

Branch headed straight for his and Poppy's room, flopping down on to the bed falling asleep almost instantly.

Poppy followed behind, seeing Branch sprawled over the bed made her chuckle to herself before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Thanks for the job Branchie~" Poppy whispered knowing Branch probably couldn't hear her before planting a kiss on his forehead, running her fingers through his hair.

a small smile appearing on Branch's face as he slept with carded fingers through his hair...

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