Always Will

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Jade's POV:

"T-Tori?" My voice breaks but not nearly as much as my heart does as I stand at her recording studio doorway.

"Oh my God.. Jade." She says under her breath, as she jerks to look at me with an equal amount of shock in her eyes.

The tears sting at my eyes, and I feel my heart begin to race and my lungs tighten. I swear, I'm trying to run far away from this dang building right now.. but it's like my feet are glued to the floor, and my knees feel like they're gonna give out any second now as I physically feel the pain coarse through my body.

"I-I can explain.." she stutters, and it's only then do I really feel the realisation kick in, nearly causing me to break down right here in front of her, but I keep it in for a few seconds longer, refusing to show her my true feelings..

You can do this, Jade.

Just gotta get outta here first..

She frantically tries to rush over to me, but I quickly turn and run away, not even giving her a second glance as I hear her desperately call for me.

It's not long until I'm bolting out of the building, the tears streaming freely at this point.

I don't even know how I'm fucking feeling right now.

I just wanna scream and punch a tree so badly..

But at the same time..

I want her..

I want her even though I know I shouldn't be wanting her now..

Not after what I had just seen.

I-I guess a small part of me knew this was gonna happen eventually..

But every part of me.. prayed it wouldn't.


"Hello Carol? Did you see a pale ish girl with black hair and green streaks, wearing a denim jacket, down at the reception?" I ask in one quick breath through the phone, with tears clouding my eyes.

What the hell have I done..

I always kind of expected my heart to be broken in mine and Jade's relationship..

But for me to do this..


What was I thinking!?

"Uh yea, she ran out of the building not too long ago, Miss Vega." Carol, my secretary, replies, making me shut my eyes tight, wishing that when I open them, I could wake up from this nightmare.

But there's no going back now..

"You okay?" A deep voice breaks my thoughts, and I only now remember that I'm not alone in the room.

I don't even try denying it so I shake my head no as I begin to break down, only to be pushed against his hard chest as he holds me tight, and I clutch onto him for dear life, wishing this would all just stop.

All of this confusion.

All of this heartbreak.

I just..

I wish I just told her the truth.

Seeing her face like that..

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