5. Camilla

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Damn it, I turned around and retreat, As once again I came face to face with Kristian. He was everywhere and if I didn't know better I would think he was stalking me.
We had been back a week and so far nothing had happened to me, the removal of Natalie and Jonah had changed the school dynamic and I was no longer a target, but Kristian's constant presence around me was confusing.
I had seen him whispering to a couple of groups of boys who had looked worried before steering clear of me, a couple of other guys had smiled and said hello in passing and it was odd, so totally different from the last few terms, I wasn't going to question it, if people were being nice and not picking on me, I was more than fine with that.
I headed into the social studies classroom, groaning internally as I saw Aiden, Tim and Kristian sitting at my usual table, Ms Towers waving me in and closing the door behind me.  I moved slowly over to the seat that Kristian had pushed out for me and sat, silently, keeping my eyes on the teacher.
"Right now we are all here, you will notice I have moved some of you around, we are going to be debating in pairs on a topic chosen at random, each table with have two pro and two anti and you will have four weeks to get your information together before we start reviewing your arguments in class" she explained and I looked at the faces around my table in worry.
"Patricia?" Ms Towers voice broke through my inattention, and I looked up.
"Miss, can we swap tables?" She asked, twirling her hair around her finger and staring at Kristian, she had been one of Natalie's friends and I had seen her at Sophie's side frequently over the last week and could see they were looking to fill the space left by Natalie.
I could see Ms Towers thinking about the request and I hoped she said yes, I didn't want to work with these boys.
"Okay, if you want to move stand up and come to the front of the class" she said and I watched as about half the class stood, but those at my table remained seated, I started to slide my chair back but Kristian hooked his arm around the back of my chair and stopped me, turning to face me and catching my eye. "stay please" he asked softly and I couldn't help but nod.  He leant back, a satisfied smile on his face, releasing the chair and for a brief second, the thought of moving, of running to the front of the class flashed through my mind, was he setting me up?
Ms Towers looked around the class, her eyes falling on me and I saw the questioning look in them, she was aware of what had happened to me and look surprised to see me sat with the boys. I smiled softly to reassure her and she moved on. "Okay, now those standing find a table you want to work with from the empty spaces" she instructed "I will be bring around a bag with the topics in once you're all settled, so don't dawdle" she warned, picking up a black bag off her desk and giving it a shake, as the rest of the class, shoved into the groups available.
I saw the bitter glance that Patricia and Sophie sent my way and let my hair swing forward to screen my face, I didn't ask the boys to join me, it wasn't my fault.
Ms Towers appeared beside our table with her bag, "who's going to pick?" She asked and all three boys look at me "Camilla" she said holding out the bag, I reached in and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to Kristian to open.
"Are Schools are failing in their responsibilities to students - Debate" he read out and I looked around the table as the confused faces.
"It's a very wide debate, it can cover a specific problem or be more general" Ms Towers explained before moving on to the next table.
I sat back and listened as the boys started discussing the topic we had received.  Kristian's hand on my arm made me realise I had been asked a question and I blushed as Aiden repeated it. "What do you think, focussed or overall responsibility" he asked and I fidgeted in my chair as I thought about it.
"Overall, gives us more scope for finding evidence to back each argument, focussed may be more difficult, we would have to agree on a topic and there are so many to choose from" I said carefully and they nodded, Aiden shooting me a quick smile.
"Okay, we do overall, now who's partnering with who?" Tim asked, his gaze on Kristian, who's arm had come back round my chair at Tim's words.
"She's with me" he growled at his friends who exchanged smirks before holding up their hands in surrender and laughing as I looked between them all.
"What..." I started but trailed off at the look in Kristian's eyes, turning away to look back down at the table in silence.
"We'll take For, you can do the against argument"Aiden adds quickly and I feel  Kristian nod.

The rest of the class was filled with Ms Towers going over the debate rules and telling us about the information we should be looking for and the importance of a reliable source of evidence to back our argument, she released us to work in the library instead of coming into the classroom during these lessons as long as we were working with our partners on the debate.
I shivered as Kristian leaned closer, "Good, I will meet you in the library later to start" he whispered, his breath tickling the fine hairs on my neck.
"Today?" I squeak and he laughs softly.
"Yes Millie, tonight"
I turn to glare at him for using the family version of my name "don't call m..."
"Millie" he growls lowly, his gaze holding mine "I like it, it suits you" he adds and I can feel my blush turning my face red.
I glance up to find Tim and Aiden watching us carefully and panic, sliding my chair back and grabbing my bag, I rush out of the classroom.

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