15. Kristian

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Every single swear word I can think of runs through my mind as I look on in panic. Millie is being hugged by her mom and I can hear her soft cries, but her dads are glaring at us, and my parents are watching on, taking it all in.
I share a glance with Aiden and he raises his eyebrow at me as if to ask what am I going to do... shit.
I stand up and face them, Millie's dads watching my movement with narrowed eyes.
"Sir..." I started to say but Lord Hamilton cut me off.
"Are you one of her bullies?" He asked bluntly and I heard my parents gasp in horror.
"Yes sir, I was" I answer clearly, keeping my gaze on his, before he swung it to Aiden and Tim.
"And you two?" He barked.
Tim answered for both of them "No sir, we did not bully her but we are guilty of looking the other way whilst it was happening" he admitted.
Millie had pulled back from her mom and was watching her father, worriedly biting her lip. "Papa, its over, please leave it, we are friends now" she said softly, her hand coming out to touch his arm.
"Millie, you should have told us, but it should never have happened in the first place" he growled down at her and I worried she would be hurt by his words, till she rushed into his hug.
Her other father was holding her mom, who was looking around our table with interest. Then her eyes locked with my mothers and I silently panicked again, as my mother stood up and held out her hand.
"Alfie Kingston, these are my husbands Theo and Xavier, I am the bullies mother" she introduced and I held my breath as they shook hands.
"Tara Sutton Hamilton and my husbands Philip and Matthew" they sized each other up before both smiled.
"I think we have some talking to do" mom offered and Millie's mom nodded.
"Good idea, we are staying at the hotel, it may be more private than here" mom suggested and I caught Millie gaze. What the hell was happening?
"What a coincidence, we are staying there as well. Millie get your things, we will meet you at the hotel"
I watched as Millie picked up her bag and coat, her head down as her father wrapped his arm around her and steered her out of the cafe.
Once the door had shut behind them, I finally lifted my gaze to my parents, who looked furious.
"Explain" Dad said bluntly and I did. Starting with Jonah and Natalie's influence and lies and my stupidity and how I treated others and what it took for me to realise what I had become and not like myself. Aiden and Tim explained how the whole school had been aware but had sided with Natalie, either scared of the same treatment or just not caring.
Mom had sat in silence just listen as my dads had asked questions, drawing out every deed and action I was responsible for or had participated in towards Camilla.
At the end of the conversation I could see the disappointment in her eyes and felt lower than ever.
Tim cleared his throat nervously and explained how everything had changed since term had started, how I had stood up for her and protected her, she was our friend, and we would all fight to keep that, then he added a but... "Kristian really likes her and I think she really likes him, and once she stops worrying about trusting him, they will become a couple" I send a shocked glance his way at his words, making Aiden laugh at my expression.
"Admit it mate, your head over heels for her, everyone can see it except you and her" he teased.
"Mom, dads, I'm so sorry for what I did, if I could turn back time I would but I can't, so I am owning up to what I did and I will be a better person now, especially to Millie" I tell them.
"And if her parents say no?" Mom asks softly and for a second I feel the fear but then I think of Millie's strength.
"If they say no, it doesn't matter, she will only stay away if it's what she wants, she has more strength than anybody I know" I reply, looking up to see surprised looks on my parents faces.
"It's not out of guilt or pity?" Dad asks and I shake my head.
"God no, it's not either of those, it's her, she's all I can think about" I blush a little before continuing "when she's with me, I want to be close or touching her, when she laughs, I feel it down to my toes, like it's in my blood and if she's not with me, I worry till I see her again"
Aiden and Tim high five each other and laugh "Told you, he loves her" he explained.
My phone buzzed on the table and I glanced at it, wanting the distraction, jumping when I saw Millie's name on the screen.
"Millie?" I answered, ignoring everyone else.
"Can you pick me up from the hotel, if you've finished.  I've told them what happened and they would like to talk to your parents but we don't have to be there.  Don't worry if you can't..." she asks and I cut her off.
"I'm coming now" I tell her.
"Thank you" she replies softly and I have to ask.
"Millie, are you alright?"
"Yes, no, I will be, it was just difficult going through it all with them, I didn't want them all to know" she trails off.
"Five minutes baby and I'll be there" I promise her, hanging up.
I look at my parents "I have to go, Millie needs me" I tell them getting up and reaching for my wallet and checking with Aiden and Tim "You guys coming?"
"Go Kris, I will settle the bill and we will see you later for dinner" Dad says and I nod, distractedly wanting to leave quickly.
Aiden and Tim on my heels as I rush out to the car and drive to the hotel.
Millie was sat on the front steps, her coat loosely over her shoulders, her head hanging down till I screeched to a stop, rushing out to her side.
The sight of her flushed face and tear filled eyes, hitting my heart and I scooped her up against me, hugging her tight to my chest, relaxing a little as her fist closed around a handful of my top keeping me close.
I carried her back to the car and carefully placed her in the passenger seat, forgetting about the others in the car as I smoothed the wet tracks under her eyes with my thumbs, leaning in to kiss her forehead and lean mine against it.
"I'm sorry baby" I whispered to her before kissing her forehead again and pulling back and closing her inside.
I climbed in and started the car, looking over at her, her eyes locking with mine.
"My parents are in the library, they asked me to get a message to your parents to join them there" she said nervously.
"Do they know you are with me?" I asked wondering how they had let her leave.
"Yes, they know" she said with a small smile.
"Okay" I agreed sending a quick text to them with the information and quickly receiving a thumbs up in response. Not wanting to think about everything that could be said when they met.
"What do you want to do now, go back to the dorms?" I ask, giving her the chance to end the day by returning to the school or to do something else.
"No!" She said quickly "I need a distraction, can we go somewhere, do something, I don't care what" she finished and finally the two in the back joined in.
"Have you ever played crazy golf?" Aiden suggested "Or been to an arcade?" Tim asked. I groaned at their suggestions but hoped she liked one.
"No, are they fun?" She replied twisting in the seat to face them, and I was glad they were still with me.
"I've never done either" she says reluctantly.
"Then, We will do both" I tell her with a smile and take her tiny hand in mine and squeeze it gently, wanting to reassure her... and me, everything would be alright.

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