4. Kristian

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I watched as her father left, still mulling over his words, his warnings and I realised without Natalie and Jonah here, I didn't have a reason to pick on her, in fact I don't even know what the reason was before.  I scowled as I realised how easily I had been led by people I thought were my friends, I know Natalie was a bitch but I had never questioned her story about Camilla making her brother dump her and calling her trash, and Jonah's belief she was a stuck up bitch who had hurt his girlfriend, I had never challenged, why didn't I?
I sat and ran my hands through my hair, thinking of the things we had done, things I had done and she had never once told on us, Natalie had said it was because she knew she deserved it but now I think about it, I know that was wrong and it made me feel sick.  I was as bad as the others, I was a bully and I hated it, I hated what I had done and become.
Her face once again crossed my mind, the suspicion on her face when I had helped her, the blush when she had caught me watching her earlier, the fire in her eye, as I thought more about her and I felt my body once again reacting.
"Fuck" I muttered getting up and heading out for the gym, I needed to work this tension off, catch up with the others and get back to normal.

Timothy and Aiden were in the gym already and I exchanged greetings before dropping down onto the nearest machine, exchanging talk about the holidays before talk came round to Jonah and Natalie's expulsion.
"Good riddance" Aiden said surprising us, "Natalie was a bitch, I lost track of how many people she stabbed in the back or used to get what she wanted" he added, and Tim nodded agreeing.
"Might give poor Camilla a chance, I know a lot of the boys are interested in getting a bit of that, after her show last term" he joked and I stopped.
"What the hell does that mean?" I snapped and they both looked at me.
"You saw her, she's got a body of a goddess and face to match, people stayed away from her except to have a go at her... you too man" he added when I started to butt in.
"Now Nat's gone, its open season" he finished.
"Fuck, don't do it" I warned him and he grinned at me.
"Why not, she'll be easy pickings, a little positive attention after all the negative she's had and she will grab at the first boy to be friendly"
I shake my head "Her Dad spoke to me when he dropped her off, they know about the bullying, the school told them" I added as their lips curled in disgust, thinking she had ratted. "He said he is watching and if anything happens this term, he's coming after everyone involved" I warn them and I watch as they think it through, we all know who her family is, her brothers are legendary here and not all in a good way.
"Shit, well that changes it then" Aiden chuckles "not messing with the males in that family, they're all nuts" and Tim laughs with him.
I go back to my exercises and tune them out, thinking again about Camilla... Millie, I liked her fathers name for her, it fits, it was softer, more suited to her.
I lose an hour just thinking about her as I exercise and by the time I am done, I had come to a decision, I needed to make it up to her, to right the wrongs, fix the things I had done. I would be her friend, I would make sure no one else did what we had done to her.  I would protect her... wether she wanted me to or not.

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