23. Camilla

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Kristian is stood with my brothers, Aiden and Tim when I get back from the ladies room with Geneva, she had filled me in on his early morning visit to my brothers and that had helped me to understand why they seemed so relaxed with him. they looked our way as we approached and I was startled to see the same possessive look in Kris's eyes as he watched me, as in Alex and Henry's eyes on Geneva.

I blushed as his arm pulled me into his side, he was making it very clear to everyone here we were together and with my brothers not doing anything to stop it, the whole room knew Kris had been accepted by the family.

"Kingston was introducing us to your new friends" Alex told me and I smiled at the glint in his eye, he could be the devil at times and took great delight in terrifying people. But to family and those he loved he was frustratingly loving.

"Aiden and Tim have been teaching me how to play computer games and crazy golf" I told him and watched his grin form.

"You, playing computer games, I bet you cheat" he teased and I laughed at him.

"Of course, its either that or they would let me win by playing badly" I counter.

I look at Aiden and Tim who are watching the exchange with open mouths, seeing a human side to my brother is probably more scary than his normal persona.  kris, tightens his arm around me, leaning down to whisper in my ear "You seem happy?"

"I am" I whisper back "I just found out my boyfriend faced my brothers and warned them about upsetting me, no-ones ever stood up for me before except my family and never against my family" 

"You're not cross, I didn't tell you" he asks and I shake my head at him, grinning as his head lowers and he kisses me again.

Henry clears his throat loudly and I pull back and glare at him "What?"

"Time to mingle, then you two can join us for dinner this evening" Henry tells me, his gaze swinging to the others but they quickly excuse themselves to join their parents.

"Please, we would like you to" Geneva adds, with her hand on Henry's arm and a small grin at me.

"We would love to" Kris replies, gazing down at me and I nod to agree as I roll my eyes at my brother.

Kristian guides me away and over to our friends and their families just as the Dean and a group of Alumni join my brothers and I hide a grin at the mask that slides over their faces as we leave.

The rest of the afternoon is more laid back and we more between groups of people, Kris introducing me to people he knows and talking with our friends.  

However, Dinner that evening with my brothers and Geneva was not relaxing,  Alex grilling Kris on what he planned to do after University and for work, while Gen and I watched on as Kris calmly replied.

"I'm sorry" I whispered to Kris in between courses but he just smiled back at me.

"Its because he cares about you, I don't mind him asking" he tells me quietly as dessert is set in front of us.

Henry having seen my whispered conversation changes the subject to Gen's latest design project for an island they own, and how they are flying out next week to take a look at the progress, but I can see Alex waiting to hijack the conversation.

"I'm not sure the island would be somewhere Kingston would want to go" he drawls and I feel Kris stiffen beside me.

"I don't know Alex, it sound like a perfect place for my family or did your report on me not show that" he replies.  There is silence around the table as Kris throws the jab back at Alex, but I had, had enough.

"Alex please stop" I stand up and glare at him, But Kris's hand gently pulls me back into my seat, keeping hold of my hand on top of the table in Alex's view.

"Alex, I'm not going anywhere, as I've said before I can see a future with Millie by my side and whilst I don't mind you investigating or questioning me about my intentions, from now on you don't do it in front of her.  I won't have you upset Millie just to get at me" Kris tells him firmly.

I watch as Henry's mouth twitches before he gives in and laughs, Gen smiling and Alex, finally losing his arrogant expression.

"You'll do. Welcome to the family" Alex says and grins at us. "Sorry but I had to make sure you can protect her and stand up for yourself"

I throw my napkin at him. "Damn it Alex" I mutter but Kris just lifts my hand to his lips and kisses it, his eyes watching my family with acceptance of their behaviour.

Gen smiles and me and I finally smile back, I know the worse hurdle is over, they will watch but not interfere.

"It gets better, they are just a bit protective" I tell Kris when we drive back to the school and he laughs softly.

"I expected it and i'm not worried, I meant what I said, I do see our future together and I promise I will work very hard to make sure you enjoy every second of it.

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