14. Aiden

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Watching Camilla and Kristian react around each other was entertaining, both Tim and I had talked about her at the beginning of the term after Kristian had found us in the gym and we had quickly agreed we would help our clueless friend. 
After the humiliation she suffered at the end of last term, we had all expected her to finally tell the teachers what was going on, or to tell her family but then nothing had happened until Jo and Nat had been caught stealing the tests and expelled for it.
I bore no ill will towards Kristian, despite the way he had acted at Jonahs side, Tim and I had known him longer and had been saddened when Jonah had driven a wedge in the closeness we had shared growing up and then with Natalie's arrival, the atmosphere around their group had been quite toxic, especially if you challenged either Jo or Nat. 
Tim and I had chosen to remain on the outside of the group and had hoped one day Kristian would see sense.  I can remember the look on his face over the last prank Nat had pulled on Camilla last term, the humiliation of taking her clothes and almost exposing her to everyone, that had woken him from his loyalty to Jonah and the subsequent expulsion had also brought home to him, how all his actions had impacted on his friends. 
I know he felt guilt about his behaviour especially to Camilla but I wondered how he would balance it, with his interest in her, and of course what he would do if she rejected him.
As long as we could we would help them out, we too felt some guilt that we had stood by and done nothing to stop the bullying or challenge the lies that Natalie had spread.
Now we had spent some time with Camilla, we could see what a genuinely nice person she was.
Dinner had been interesting last night with a constant stream of males approaching our table to talk to Camilla, which had her stammering in shock and Kristian getting gradually more uptight, eventually Camilla had rushed back to the sanctuary of her room, leaving us with the task of keeping Kristian from hunting down her admirers.

After we had all called it a night, Kristian had sent a group text suggesting lunch at the cafe in town today, which we had all agreed with, including eventually Camilla.
Now I was heading for his car to meet them and I wondered how today would go, we could do with a peaceful weekend but my gut was telling me something was going to happen.

Kristian was already at the car, pacing back and forth as he waited for us, and I had knocked on Tim's door as I passed, but with him shouting he would be five minutes, I had come down ready.
"Tims's on his way" I said leaning against the front of the car and watching my friend pace.
"Hmm" Kristian replied his gaze going up to her window as he turned again.
"She'll be here, relax" I encouraged him and watched as his shoulders tensed a little, his head swivelling round towards the door at the sound of it opening, but it was only Tim, so his pacing resumed, as Tim joined me leaning on the car, his grin starting as he mimicked David Attenborough "and now we see the male of the species, start the mating dance, he will continue to pace as he waits for the female to appear.  This time is critical for the male to ruffle his feathers and pose in front of any other lurking males..." he tailed off in laughter as Kristian lunged for him, the two of them chasing around the car, Kristian's threats ringing through the air.

"What are they doing?" Camilla asked softly from next to me, making me jump, as I hadn't heard her approach.
"Damn, you scared me, what are you a ninja" I gasped and she giggled, drawing the attention of the approach pair, who both grinned at her, for different reasons.
"Just playing, come on let's go grab some lunch" Kristian deflects, his arm leaving Tim's neck and sweeping her up and round to the passenger door before opening it and placing her inside.
I laughed at the look of shock on her face, as Tim blew kissy faces at Kristian before climbing in the back.

The drive into town was full of Tim ribbing Kristian and me being their referee as Camilla laughed at them.  The cafe was quiet as it was still quite early, so we grabbed the window table and started looking at the menu, till the waitress came over to take our order.

Kristian's phone started ringing as she returned with our drinks, he looked at the screen before answering it. "Mom?", I grinned and turned to Camilla, till Kristian's worried "You're where?" broke into our conversation and we all looked at him.

"I'm in the cafe with some friends" he said into the phone, his gaze scanning outside.   "Yes, I see you" he muttered and rung off looking back at us.

"My parents are here, god I'm sorry" he muttered flushing red and Tim and I laughed, we had met Kristian's parents many times over the years we had known him and they were lovely, I don't know why he was so worried... then it hit me, he was here with a girl and knowing his mom,  she would realise he liked her straight away.

"Good luck" I laughed as we heard the cafe door open and his mom call his name before rushing towards us, his dads following behind her, smiling.

"Hello boys, it's been a long time since i've seen you" she says releasing her hold on Kristian before turning her eyes to Camilla. "And who is this young lady?"

I exchanged a quick look with the others, wondering who should speak but Camilla beats us to it.  "Hello Mrs Kingston, I'm Camilla, I go to school with them"  she introduced herself and we watched as his mom pulled her into a hug.

"Oh how lovely, and which one of these boys are you with?" she asked and Kristian jumped up.

"Mom!" he shouted as Camilla blushed bright red, her mouth open but no reply coming out.  "She's our friend" he added but it was too late, his mom had drawn the correct conclusion.

"Ahh, it's like that is it, well never mind i'm sure you'll get there eventually" she teased him and Kristian turned to his dads "Save me" he pleaded but they too just laughed at him.

"Would you like to join us, we have only just ordered and we can pull two tables together" I offer, moving my leg to avoid Kristian's kick as his parents agreed. Tim getting up to offer Mrs Kingston his seat at Camilla's side as I laughed at the panic on Kristian's face.

The waitress returned and was happy to hold our order till his parents were ready and we settled down to small talk, Camilla seeming quite happy to answer his moms questions as we talked sports with his dads.  Kristian finally relaxing enough to join in and stop worrying.

"We are staying at the hotel tonight, originally I would have collected just Kris but will you all join us for dinner this evening" Mrs Kingston asked smiling at us all and after a quick glance at Kristian we all nodded.

"Thank you" Camilla started to say before the jingle of the bell over the door distracted her and she turned white, her gaze locked on the people just entering, we all looked round just as they noticed her.

I had recognised them when they entered, Camilla's parents had also arrived, this would be interesting.

"Mamma, what are you doing here?" Camilla rose and tried to move towards them but she was trapped, Kristian on one side of her and his mother on the other. I watched as Kristian gave her hand a quick squeeze before standing and letting her past.

Camilla's mother pulled her into a tight hug and I could see tears on her face as she gazed at her daughter. Behind her, her fathers stood silently watching, one more relaxed than the other, who was glaring at us.

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