17. Camilla

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Aiden and Tim were welcome distraction from thoughts of parents, bullying and dinner and even to some extent Kristian. He had kept my hand in his, since he had helped me out of the car, letting go only to play games or pay for things. I had offered but all the boys had just shaken their heads and looked at me with raised brows. After we had received the text telling us dinner was both families together, Aiden and Tim had teased us both about it and their constant joking around had kept the atmosphere light in-between them challenging Kristian to silly duels and games.

I was feeling comfortable in their presence and relaxed enough to join in and take part in some of the tamer games and when we all played crazy golf, Tim clearly cheated to ensure that I won and insisting I receive a tiny plastic trophy in recognition.

It was getting late when we finally returned to the dorms to get ready for dinner and I knew I had to say something now, before we parted to change.
"Thank you, all of you, today, apart from our parents finding out, well it has been wonderful..." I feel myself tearing up as I look at them.

"Aww, No, NO, don't cry!" Aiden squeaked suddenly pulling me into a hug and sharing a glance with the others "Group Hug!" he ordered and I felt myself surrounded as Kristian wrapped himself around my back and Tim joined Aiden in front of me.

"Thank you" I whispered again to them, emotionally.
The hug tightened before Tim eased back first, looking down at me "Thats what friends do and we have a lot of time to show you that, I Promise" he tells me and Aiden speaks "Ditto" in my other ear.
I giggle at him and he smiles back at me, "Good, that's better smiles and giggles, no tears"

"Yes, sir" I grin back at him and hear Kris growl in my ear.
"Don't call him that baby, only me, please" I feel his warm breath stir the loose hairs on my neck and shiver delicately as the other two back up and Kristian's arms turn me to face him.
"Yes, sir" I repeat, looking straight in his eyes, knowing my face will be showing my rosy blush.
"Good girl" he growls back, his lips coming to rest on my forehead in a light kiss.

"Now let go get ready, I've let my parents know that I will drive us down to the hotel, save them coming to get us"
I feel my nerves start to flutter but before I can panic, Kristin takes my hand in his. "It will be okay" he promises me and leads me into the building and up to my door before telling me he would be back in an hour to collect me.

By the time they knocked on my door an hour later I had changed 4 times and picked up my phone to cancel every 10 minutes.
Kristian took one look at me and pulled me into a tight hug, he head dropping down to my neck as he softly whispered to me "I'll keep you safe, I promise" before his lips again kissed my forehead and he twined his fingers through mine.
"Ready?" He asked aloud and I nodded, shyly looking at Aiden and Tim who had silently watched us.
"You look beautiful" Tim said smiling at me, as Kris took my keys and locked my door, his arm coming to wrap round me as he growled at Tim, before agreeing "he's right and you do" to me.
I grin as they lead me out, passing some other students who stared at our group as we passed, and I tensed as I saw the comments start, Kris squeezed my hand as he felt me tense and I forgot everything as I caught his worried gaze.
"You okay?" He stopped and gazed down at me, waiting for an answer. I couldn't speak so just nodded, hoping he would drop it and we could go, I could see the confusion in his face, he knew something had happened but not what and it bothered him, that I was bothered.
I smiled up at him "Kris, it's nothing" I say but his gaze has moved past me to Tim and Aiden who are glaring at the other students, especially Patricia and her little group.
"What did I miss?" Kristian barked at them and I jumped at the concern in his voice.
"The girls were gossiping loudly and suggesting incorrect things" Aiden muttered, watching as Patricia finally turned and hurried away.
"This was how it started with Natalie, rumours and gossip, it's not going to happen again, we promise" Aiden scowled, his face changing to a smile as he looked back at me. "Ignore them, both of you, we will deal with it later, first we have to get through an evening with both your parents" he warned.
"Promise me you feel up to this, I'll cancel if you don't" Kris pulled me into his arms and I could feel his worry that I was upset and I realised this time it was different. I was stronger and had learnt a lot since Natalie had left about myself and knew I would not allow it to happen again, having the boys support was good but I could and would deal with it myself.
"Kris, I promise, I'm okay" I take the initiative and reach up on tip toe to reach him and softly kiss his lips.
He stood frozen for two seconds before his arms pulled me in close and his lips claimed mine properly.
Aiden and Tim's sniggers and my phone alarm broke through the moment and we stepped back from each other reluctantly "We will continue this later" Kris promises softly , taking my hand in his, his other hand coming up to mock punch his friends as we headed for the car.
Our parents were already seated when we got there and I was surprised to see both sets happily chatting together, you would not have known they had only met today.
They had arranged a round table and I found myself sat next to Kristian's mom while Kris on my other side was sat next to my Papa, and I knew Papa would do his best to intimidate Kristian, I just hoped he didn't scare Kris too much. Aiden and Tim sat between mom and one of Kris's dads.  I exchanged a panicked look with mom but she just smiled at me and asked about our afternoon, and I sighed in relief as Tim led the conversation, making our crazy golf game into a bigger adventure as we waited for the food to be served.
It was towards the end of the evening that Papa sprung his trap, the conversation coming round to future aspirations and I held my breath as Papa focussed on Kris with his pointed questions.
I glanced at his parents but they just watched, a slight smile on his dads faces betraying their expectation of this talk.
"And what are your intentions with Camilla?" Papa asked and I gasped standing up and glaring at my father "Papa, no, please we are friends, just leave it!"
Kris's hand reached for mine and he brought it to his lips before addressing me "sit down baby, I'm fine, I don't mind the questions" he gave a little tug and I slipped back into my seat, my hand remaining in his and he turned back to Papa.
"Sir, I really like Camilla, I don't know what will happen in the future, to me or her but I hope we are together, for now it's too soon to say, I just want to get to know her better and her to know me, and not the person I was when Jonah and Natalie were around but the person I want to be, the person who regrets letting people blindly lead him and do what I did.  But first, I want to start by being her friend, for her to trust me and want to spend time with me and then I hope it will become more"
I watch Papa's face as he listens to Kris and can see his grudging respect at his words and my body relaxes, I glance around the table and see Mom and Dad sharing a moment as well as Kris's parents, his words making all of them sit up and listen. Finally Papa nodded and held out his hand to Kristian "I will be watching, don't screw this up" he told Him and I saw Kris gulp before replying.
"Yes, sir"
Papa gaze crossed the table to Aiden and Tim "You boys too, keep my daughter safe"
They nodded wide eyed, frozen in place by my Papa, till he looked away.
The rest of the evening pat pleasantly until it was time to say goodbye and return to the dorms.
Mom pulled me into a hug and I relaxed and felt safe in her love and knew everything was going to be okay.

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