10. Tara

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The journal in my hand feels overly heavy as I sit down on the bed, my mind racing with why's and when's. My poor baby, why didn't she tell me.  My eyes glancing back at the words written there, drawn to read more at the same time wishing I had never found it.

I had ordered a new bedroom set for Millie's room, as a surprise for her, knowing that she had outgrown the current room, that we had last decorated when she was a much younger teen. I had been clearing out the drawers, when the journal had dropped out from between two jumpers, the soft leather lace undoing as the book fell open at my feet.

I had glanced at it, meaning to place it on her bookshelf when the words she had written had caught my attention. With dread I had read some more, tears eventually blurring my vision, as I realised what she had been going through at school.

Why hadn't she told us what was going on, we could have helped, dealt with the bullies or moved her out of the school, but she hadn't said a word, and I... I had not seen anything wrong, had I failed my daughter?

"Tara?" I heard Philip calling me, and froze, I should tell him and Matt, but what would they do, both could be hotheads when it came to me and our children.
"Tara?" I heard him coming closer and slipped the journal back in the drawer, pushing it shut as Philip appeared in the door.
"What is wrong?" he demanded coming to stand in front of me and I gulped before looking up at him, trying to smile, to put him off, until I could decide what to do, but I had forgotten just how well my husbands knew me.

"Its nothing, I was just missing Millie, that's all, now that Alex and Henry have Geneva" I say softly hoping to distract him.
"Hmm, that may be true, but I do not believe that is the cause of the tears in your eyes, so tell me my love" his voice lowered to a dominate growl and I felt my body react, a shiver of arousal pulsing through my body as he wrapped his hand in my hair and tugged my gaze back up to his, my Dom fully in role, as he willed me to give up, whilst dropping to his knees in front of me.

"I... I don't know how to tell you" I gasp out softly, my body fighting me, wanting to submit.
"Tell me what?" he growls, his lips coming down to press a gentle kiss to my sensitive neck,  his hold allowing me no escape.
"Millie" I whispered sadly and feel him tense, his body rearing back to look at me, his formidable mask slipping back into place.

"What about Millie?" he demands and I feel my tears return as I reach past him and pull the journal from the drawer.
"I didn't mean to read it but it fell open and then I could not stop seeing her words, she's being bullied and she has kept it quiet from us, did you know?" I ask him, as he slips up next to me on the bed, his arm coming round me in support as he takes the journal from me, allowing the book to fall open in his hand.

"No, I was not aware, but I promise you I will take care of it" he growls in fury as his eyes scan the last few pages before he closes it with a bang.
"Philip?" I whisper watching him, worried, but he sends me a gentle smile.
"Don't worry my love, I will see if Matt knows anything first, he did ask to take her back to school, so maybe he is aware" Phil said carefully.
"But, he would have told us, wouldn't he?" I question and he laughs.
"You know Matt, he would want to get his facts straight before he did anything, now come on, let's go and find him, he was in the study with Ian earlier" he pulls me upright, his fingers twining with mine as I follow him through our home towards the study.
Ian is just leaving as we get there, exchanging hellos and goodbyes at the door before turning to Matt, his gaze neutral as he watches us approach.
"To what do I owe this unexpected visit?" He asks with a small smile, that drops when he see's the tears in my eyes.
"Baby?" He rushes round the desk to cup my face with his hands, his gaze searching mine. "What is it?"

"Millie, did you know about it?" Phil growls to him and I see the truth flash across Matts eyes, before he pulls me up into his arms and carries me over to the sofa, dropping to sit with me in his lap.
"Come and sit Phil, I will tell you what I know" he instructs, waiting till Philip has sat down opposite us.
"Damn it" Matt mutters, before taking a deep breath and explaining how he spoke to the school and learned about the bullying, how the two main bully's had been expelled for another reason, his discussion with Millie and her promise to let us know if anything else happens.
"You should have told us" Phil grumbles "do you know who they were... the two that were expelled"
Matt nods "I know who they are, Ian has just dropped of the report I asked for about them" he explains and I watch Philip get up and head to the desk, grabbing a folder off the top and flicking through it, his anger radiating through the room.
"Were there others?" He barks, turning to glare at Matt.
"Yes, but Millie wants to see how it goes without those two there, before she tells me any names"
"Bloody hell" Philip slams the folder back down on the desk and I whimper in Matts arms, causing Phil to turn his tormented gaze to me and I see the pain there, he's blaming himself, just as I did.
"Stop it, both of you, it's not our fault, any of us, we have brought our daughter up to be strong and independent and she chose to keep this to herself, she doesn't blame us, and trust me when I found out I felt the same, I couldn't believe I had missed the signs but then I saw there were no signs.  Millie hid everything too well, and would not complain to the school either, so they said nothing to us, as they had no proof, no complaint, nothing concrete to back it up, all they could tell me was hearsay when I asked" Matt said, eyes locked on Philip.
"How did you find out?" Matt asked carefully "did Millie phone?"
I shook my head and looked down before replying "I found her journal, she had written about what was happening, it was such a shock, I know I shouldn't have read it but it just fell open and..." I trailed off and Matt hugged me tighter, as Philip came over and sat down next to us, his hand going to my back in support.
"What happens now?" I ask, once again worried about what they might do.

"We watch and make sure she is okay, that no one will ever hurt her again, and the two that are no longer there, will pay for what they have done" Philip mutters and I feel Matt smile against my head.
"Then you should know, one of the boys involved previously is now trying to be her friend and protector" he tells Phil, and I can hear the amusement in his tone.
"What, No... who is he?" He growls, his protective anger back.
"Relax, I've looked into him and given him a warning myself, my gut is telling me, he won't hurt her and he has an uphill battle to get her to trust him" Matt chuckled, patting Phil on the shoulder.
"I want to go and see her" I whisper but they both hear me.
"This weekend my love, we can stay in the village and surprise her" Phil agreed readily and I knew he would want to be reassured as much as me, our daughter was okay.

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