19. Camilla

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Classes had finished on Friday, when I got the message to go to the Deans office and sending a worried glance at Kris and the others, I followed the secretary through the building to the admin offices. I had been waiting for the summons nervously all afternoon and although Kris had offered to come with me, I was not scared of my brothers. The Dean waved me in, leaving me with my family.

"Mills!" Henry picked me up and swung me round, hugging me close as I giggled, seeing Geneva and Alex watching with grins.
"Oaf, put me down" I giggled and hugged him back before he released me, allowing Alex and Geneva to hug me as well.

"How are you?" Geneva asks as Alex lets me go and I smile at her.

"I'm great, and you, are they behaving?" and grin as Henry and Alex both start butting in with how great a husband they are.

I grin at them all, Geneva has been so good for my brothers, Alex was like a new man and seeing him at her side you wouldn't understand why so many people fear him and Henry is glowing in her presence.

Gen laughs and links her arm with me "They are wonderful, but how about you, is there a boy you like?"

I blush at her question and pray that no one notices but forgot Alex see's everything "Who is he?" he questions sharply and I feel all their eyes on me.

"Its no-one for you to know about, either of you, you'll just interfere and scare him away" I glare at them as they exchange a glance.

"So there is someone, do the parents know?" Henry asked moving up next to me.

"Yes, they have met him and his parents" I tell him and hold my breath as I realise what I just said.

"What the hell, the parents have met and this is the first we are hearing of it... why?" Henry sounds perplexed as if realising something is missing from the story.

"Its nothing, its new this term and we are just good friends" I tell them but I can see the gleam in Alex's eyes.  Damn it they are going to interfere, I turn to Geneva, I am going to need her help to manage them.

"Are you staying in town?" I ask her and she jumps in to help.

"Yes, its beautiful, i've never been here before but from the stories I have heard, its worth exploring, you should come with us, come to dinner tonight" she offered as she smiled at me and I nodded absently, my mind already trying to work out how to keep them apart before I realised she had asked me to dinner.

"Not for dinner tonight, you enjoy it and I will see you tomorrow" I quickly told her and she nodded understandingly.

A brief knock heralded the Deans return along with a tray of refreshments and two other teachers who greeted my brothers fondly before joining us.  I watched as they interacted and realised how much the teachers like them and listened to them, to me they were family but to see others hold them in such high regard was enlightening, Geneva grinning proudly from besides them.

"Its great that nasty bullying has stopped and you're embracing your studies this term" Professor Hinks said in a lull in the conversation and I felt myself freeze before replying to her "Yes, thank you", keeping my eyes firmly away from my brothers who I knew had heard and I wondered how they were going to react, I prayed they would keep quiet till we were alone but neither of them ever shied away from asking questions and I groaned when Alex cleared his throat, drawing the attention to him and silencing the room.

"What bullying?" he asked almost quietly but you could feel the powerful tension in his words.

"Oh dear, I thought you knew" the professor mumbled looking around nervously, as if the Dean was going to step in but I had to take control of this conversation and shut it down.

"Alex it was a couple of pupils who are no longer here, it's been dealt with, it's all good now" I tell him, raising my head and looking directly at him.

"Mother and Father..."

"They know!" I butted in and sat under his gaze until, Geneva squeezed his hand and he backed down.  I knew the teacher were watching the exchange nervously and we all held our breath until Alex relaxed back, still watching me and Henry took over, starting a new topic of conversation which carried us through the refreshments, until the dinner warning bell rang.

"Please excuse me, I need to go for dinner," I told everyone getting up and Geneva waved at me

 "See you tomorrow" she called as I turned and left, running back to my dorm as soon as the office door closed behind me, my heart racing with nerves as I changed quickly and headed for the dining hall. I had to warn Kris.

"What happened?" Kristian met me half way across the room, his gaze worried as he studied my face before he pulled me into a hug , then guided me to our table.

"My brothers know I was bullied" I whisper "I've told them its over but I know Alex and even Henry, he, they will want to know every detail"

"It will be okay" Kris soothed as the rest of our friends muttered between themselves and I stayed tucked into Kristian's side.

After dinner, we all split up and he walked me back to my room, silently pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead before releasing me. "Try to sleep and not worry, I promise everything will be okay, i'm not going to let you go, not now i've realised how special you are" his forehead rested on mine and our breaths mingled as I tried to relax.

"What if... "

"They are just protecting you and I understand that" he whispered stopping me.


"Millie, Am I your friend?" he whispered his hands coming up to cup my face, tilting it up to his.

I searched his face, "Yes" I whispered back.

"Millie, I promised we would be friends before I asked for more, now, I want more, so will you, Camilla Sutton Hamilton be my girlfriend" he asked, his eyes fixed on mine.

"Yes" I whispered again and he smiled before bringing his lips to mine and kissing me, his body wrapping around mine as his kiss branded my lips.

He pulled back and grinned down at me "Mine" he whispered possessively and I shivered emotionally in his hold. His head falling again and his lips kissing along my neck and around my jaw and back to my lips, kisses punctuated with words as he said "mine, mine, mine"

I was dazed when he finally stepped back, his hand cupping the side of my face. "Go to bed now my Millie and I will see you in the morning"

I smiled unable to form words as he opened my door and gentle moved me inside before a quick peck to my lips and he was gone, "I love you" his final words whispering around my head as I stared at the closed door.  My fingers touched my lips as I remembered the feel of his lips on mine and I smiled hugging myself, Kristian had said he loved me.

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