8. Kristian

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My attention was poor in all my afternoon lessons and I found myself just doodling in my notebook, thinking about what Millie had told us. I hated that I had blindly followed Natalie and Jonah, what did that say about me as a person. I just needed to get through this last class then I could look forward to seeing her again.

I swung round as the chair next to me was pulled out and saw Patricia dropping into it, her hand coming up to rest on my thigh and stroking upwards, I pushed her hand away and glared at her. "What do you want?" I snap and noticed I had attracted the attention of the students around us, but I didn't care.
"Don't be like that Kristian, I just want to be friends" she smiles at me and I move back, picking up my bag.
"No thanks" I say and turn away, hearing the snickers from the other students as I move towards another table.
"What too busy chasing that fat cow Cam..." I had turned back and slammed my hand down on the table before she completed the sentence.

"Shut up, don't you ever speak of her like that again, if you think you are going to pick up where Nat left off, you're crazy, she told us all lies and we followed her like sheep, we were pathetic, and I know I want to be better than that, But try it, try to bully her this term and if you do I will happily inform her family what's going on and they can deal with you" I sneer, watching her face pale at my threat. I straighten and look around the class, glad the teacher has not yet arrived, as I address everyone loudly "that goes for all of you, Nat and Jonah lied about Camilla, she was innocent of what they accused her of and we are all guilty of either being a part of it or turning a blind eye, that's over now, are we clear" i move to sit at another desk in the silence that follows till the teacher finally arrives.
I see the whispered conversations but people leave me alone, just giving me the odd look. I ignore it all, watching the clock, counting down till dinner.

"You ready?" I knock on Aiden's door and he opens it with a grin, Tim already with him, both of them grinning at me and I realised the news had already spread.
"Damn. How did you hear?" I groan and Tim slaps my shoulder.
"Jack recorded it, I think everyone will have seen it by now" he tells me and I swear again. Fuck, I didn't notice, would Millie have seen it.
"Millie..." I start worriedly but Aiden just pushes past me.
"Come on let go get her, then you'll know, don't panic until you need to and anyway, you were defending her" he says leading the way to her door and knocking.
There are tears in her eyes as she opens the door and I know then that she has seen the video "Thank you" she whispers looking at me and I shake my head, it was nothing, it was something I should have done long ago.

"Alright enough sappy stuff, I'm hungry, lets go eat and then we can make you into a gamer" Tim moans, tucking an arm through hers and pulling her out of her room, before she can say anything, I see her keys on the desk and grab them closing her door behind us as we head for dinner.
Over dinner Aiden and Tim ask her about her brothers and if any of the rumours about them are true, and the sound of her laughter as she chats happily with us, makes my heart ache as I realise, that I like this girl, more than a little. 

I look at my friends with gratitude and know that without them I would not be learning as much about her or even getting close enough for her to get to trust me, I had known Aiden and Tim for longer than Jonah but for some reason I had spent more time with Jonah and while I was still friends with them, Jonah had taken over, something I now regret, he would never have helped me like this, everything he did was for him.

I caught Aiden's look and he just rolled his eyes at me, before I looked around the dining hall.  More than one group of students was watching our table with interest and I hoped it was all positive, I saw Patricia sat with Sophie and a couple of other girls but they all had there heads down and were ignoring everyone else, thankfully and I really hoped they would let it go.

As my gaze continued to scan the room, I saw Nate get up from the football teams table and head our way, Watching as his team mates give him encouraging pats on his back as he passed them and I growled softly as he approached.
"Hey Camilla" he cleared his throat from behind her and she jumped looking shocked that he would be talking to her.

"Hey, um Nate?" she replied and I could see a blush starting as she looked at him.  Hell no, if she was going to blush for anyone it would be me. I could see Aiden and Tim grinning as they watched, their gazes flicking to me, to see what I would do, they had realised that I tended to jump right in when it came to Millie.

"I was wondering if you wanted..." he started to say and I butted in.
"NO" I said loudly, looking him in the eye.
"Kingston, this has got nothing to do with you" he hissed and I stood up, facing him.
"No" I repeated, glaring at him and taking a step forward, putting myself between him and Millie and leaning forward I whispered clearly to him "She's mine, so back off".

He stepped back and held up his hands "Really, does she know that, or its this just another bullying tactic by you, after all, isn't that what you are, her bully" he hisses before turning and leaving the room, the rest of his team getting up and shooting looks my way as they follow him.

I feel her hand on my back and turn carefully to find her looking up at me with the fire back in her eyes. "What did you just do?" she bit out and I wonder how to answer.
Tim laughed, drawing her attention "Sweetie, he just saved you from a fate worse than Jonah, you're far too good to get stuck with a football head" he told her and she shook her head.
"Thats not the point Tim, I should have made that decision, not you, not Kristian and what did you say to him to make him react like that?" she muttered and I breathed a sigh of relief, she hadn't heard my words.

"And what did he want anyway?" she finishes looking confused and Aiden shakes his head at her.
"He was going to ask you out" Aiden explains and she looks at him.
We all groan, does she not see just how gorgeous she is.

"Come on Mills, let go play some games" Tim laughed pulling her out of her seat and leaving me and Aiden to clear our plates, before we caught up with them, hearing Tim apologise to her for the mess before he opened his door. I could see the look of trepidation on Millie's face as she followed him inside and I guessed why, every surface was cluttered and clothes all over the place.

"Dude, what a mess" Aiden hissed at him, moving to grab some piles of clothes to clear a seat for Millie, but then she shocked us all by laughing.
"Its okay" she got out between laughs, "really, it's just so messy, it's refreshing" and Tim grinned, bowing to her before passing her a bean bag and throwing us one each as he pulls out controllers and hands one to Millie.

"Right we are going to start with Mario Cart and you get to pick first, so Princess, who are you going to be?" Tim says dropping down next to her and bringing up the game.
Millie's eyes widen as she looks at the screen "I don't know, what.. you choose for me." she looks at us and we all laugh.
"Princess Peach " we all say together and she blushes.

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