Chapter 1 -The First Time

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I have met someone. His name is Christian Grey, he's gorgeous, he's a billionaire. And he wants me.

Okay, breathe, Ana. BREATHE.

Any girl would be over the moon about this, but somehow I have reservations. I'm definitely attracted to him, but I find myself hesitating. I've never slept with anyone and I'm nervous. That must be it. Yet, part of me isn't sure that's the whole reason.

I'm standing there, running my fingers along the red satin sheets on the four-poster bed, letting my eyes wander over the whips, chains, and canes, and my mind starts making all sorts of unapproved side trips. I think about Christian's lips on mine in the elevator, about his hand on the inside of my thigh, about the lacy underwear I have on, and about Kate. I imagine her ridiculous grin when I tell her that I slept with Christian Grey. "Oh, Ana, that's so hot!" she would growl.

I turn around to face him. Maybe it's that last glass of wine giving me confidence. "Okay."

"Okay?" he asks. "Okay, what?"

I take a deep breath and steel myself. "Okay, I'll sign whatever you want."

A huge shit-eating grin spreads over his face. He walks slowly over to me until we're inches apart. My body seems attuned to his and I feel that spark once more.

"Really?" The grin is gone and all that's left is the sexiest stare I've ever seen on a man's face. Kate would know what to do in this situation. I just feel like I'm melting into a puddle on the floor.

I say meekly, so quiet even I can hardly hear myself, "Yes, sir."

I hear him growl — growl! — and he immediately takes my hand and leads me back to his study, where I can sign all the appropriate papers. I tell him I'm not really sure what fisting is but I'm pretty confident I wouldn't like it.

"We can work out the particulars of the hard and soft limits in the morning," he says. He looks incredibly edible with a lusty, dark expression. I bite my lip and he stands.

"You're biting your lip," he says.


"Don't apologize. It's just that I want to bite it too, hard," he murmurs and he sweeps every last item, including all the as-yet unsigned documents from his desk. He loosens his tie and walks around the desk slowly. His entire demeanor has changed. He's domineering almost and demanding. I feel a wetness between my legs and a quickening in my chest.

"Stand up." I do as I'm told immediately. As he passes behind me, he kicks the chair I was sitting on from underneath me, letting him slide right up against my backside. His hand rests on my right butt cheek softly and I moan softly. Before I realize what has happened, he's smacked me soundly on the ass. I let out a small shriek, but his hand is back on my butt, caressing it gently.

"Shh, Miss Steele. You must learn to mind your tongue," he says. He gives me another sharp smack on the ass but I keep completely silent. He presses his hardness against my left cheek as he caresses my right again with his hand. "Good girl."

His hand runs down my leg to the hem of Kate's dress and his fingers run along my bare thigh there, pulling the dress ever so slightly.

"Now, before we get ahead of ourselves, Miss Steele, are you on any form of birth control right now?" he asks. Oh god, should I be?

"No, sir." I squeak.

"Aha, I didn't think so." I feel him shift as he pulls a condom from his left pocket and tosses it onto the desk in front of me. "Better safe than sorry, Miss Steele." His left hand joins his right, playing with the slowly rising hem of my dress, Kate's dress. I idly wonder if she has ever had sex wearing this dress.

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