Chapter 20- Mine

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Eventually, I manage to find Ray. He's standing with Kate, and... oh god, Christian. I don't know that I can handle this. I had to sit very still for about ten minutes after my orgasm I was so sensitive and the pearls were right there. Now I'm building again and Christian winking at me is not helping.

Neither is the way Kate keeps laughing at his jokes.

She's got her robe open and I can see the white low-cut sundress she's wearing underneath. Her breasts distract me from Christian for a moment. I wonder if I could fit one each into my hands...

"Ana!" my dad calls, waving me over. I hurry as much as I dare over before he gives me a giant and un-Ray-like hug. I pull back from our touching moment to see tears welling behind his eyes. "I'm so proud of you, Anastasia," he says softly.

I feel the tears welling in my eyes, too. What a roller coaster of emotions! I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack before this day is through.

Dad holds me at arm's length, beaming at me, then claps me on the shoulders and composes himself. "Kate was just introducing me to your boyfriend here."

I audibly gag. Boyfriend? "Kate!" I snap at her. Wasn't this supposed to be a secret? And where'd she get the term "boyfriend" from? He's going to be so mad at me. Both that I told Kate anything and that he's now my "boyfriend". I pale imagining what my punishment for this could be.

But when I look to Christian, he's smiling lazily at me. He reaches out his hand and takes mine, holding it comfortably.

I'm holding hands with Christian Grey.

How is this my life?

"It's okay, Ana, it's not a secret."

Funny, I thought it was, I think.

He gives me an innocent kiss on the lips then extends his free hand to Ray. "Nice to meet you, sir," he says, shaking hands.

Good god, for some reason I find it incredibly hot when he says "sir".

I look back at Kate and see her grinning. She gives me a thumbs-up but I still scowl at her. How dare she be cute and adorable at a moment like this? She should be meek and contrite!

"You gave a hell of a speech, Mr. Grey."

"Please, call me Christian."

Oh, so Ray can call him Christian, Kate can call him freaking Chris, but I have to call my "boyfriend" Mr. Grey? That seems logical.

I admit it. I'm ornery because of the pearls. They're long past their enjoyable phase and now just making me squirmy.

Christian looks down at me and whispers into my ear, "Why don't you go powder your nose? You can take those off now if you like," then gives me a little kiss on my neck and squeezes my hand.

"Will you excuse me, I'm just going to run to the ladies' room," I say. Kate joins me on the trip, skipping and jumping in an overabundance of energy. She really wouldn't do well in these underwear.

"Have you seen Ethan yet, Ana?" she asks, hopping along.

"Not yet," I say, smiling at the thought. He's such a pleasure to be around. Although, I have to say I'm glad I didn't run into him in the pearls. He usually picks me up and spins me around as a greeting and I'm not sure I could handle that in this state.

After I have my underwear safely stashed in my purse and I've checked my skirt for signs of my bad behavior (all clear... thank god for the color black. And for lining), we grab a couple glasses of champagne before headed back to my dad and Christian, who are just chatting up a storm.

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