Chapter 8- Morning

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Christian has tied me to the chair in the corner of my bedroom. It's an old, plain, wooden thing, and the solidity of the seat is made all the harder by how tightly I'm trussed to it. I'm only wearing his underwear still, and the rope he used to tie me up rubs harshly against my torso.

He's been pacing around my room for God knows how long with a determined look on his face. I've disappointed him. Again.

"Miss Steele, you did not follow my instructions." His voice is low and I feel it rumble in my chest. I feel it rumble in my ass, too. "I specifically told you —"

"I know, sir!" My plea is desperate. I'm so ashamed and, quite honestly, disappointed in myself, which I don't expect.

Clearly my plea was a little too desperate, a little too loud. I can hear Kate stirring in the next room.

"I specifically told you, Miss Steele," he eyes me angrily. "Not to interrupt me." He reaches into his inside jacket pocket and produces a small pair of scissors.

Holy crap, what the hell is he going to do with those?!

I start to panic and begin pulling against the rope, but there's no chance of getting free. Christian clearly is very skilled at knot tying.

He comes towards me.

"I have to punish you, Miss Steele. For your insolence."

He leans over and my breath is ragged. I'm ready to scream, to safeword, whatever I need to do.

He looks down and a sadness passes over his face.

"And I was so enjoying looking at you in these."

He deftly cuts up each leg of the boxer briefs and pulls them out from under me. I'm now completely naked. I can feel the wood from the seat against my sex and nearly groan.

He stands up swiftly and lifts the tattered remains of his underwear up to his face. He takes a deep breath in then discards them in the corner.

"Oh, Miss Steele, you smell divine."

I feel every inch of my skin blushing. I know he can see it. He takes a long moment, letting his eyes run over my body.

"As I was saying," he finally says. "I specifically told you, Miss Steele, not to let Miss Kavanagh tease you too much." What? "But you didn't listen, did you?"

I stare at him, open-mouthed. What is he talking about? How does he know what happened last night?

"Answer me!" he shouts.

And, that's it. There's a bang on the door. Kate.

"What the hell is going on in there, Christian?" I hear her almost yell through the door.

He eyes me and lifts his eyebrows in a See? Look what you did sort of expression. My mouth is still hanging open.

"Answer me," he says gently this time.

"Ana, are you alright in there?" Kate says loudly from the other side of the door.

"If you won't answer me, Miss Steele, I will gag you and then you don't get the privilege of speaking anymore."

I move my lips but the only sound is Kate's fist against the door, the jiggling of the doorknob.

He sighs and produces a beautiful blue patterned knecktie from his jacket pocket – What doesn't he keep in there? – and proceeds to gag me, tying it behind my head.

"You look beautiful," he says. "Now we must think of a suitable punishment for your misbehavior, don't we?"

"Let me in!" Kate is almost screaming now.

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