Ch 14-For Your First Challenge

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My eyes shoot up to his. I had no idea I was biting my lip. I guess I just do it unconsciously.

Christian stands up from his seat, dropping his napkin on the table and walks slowly toward me. He positions himself directly behind my chair. I can feel my pulse quickening at our proximity. He leans over me, his cheek almost touching mine, and takes the pen from my hand. He signs his name on the line below my signature on both copies.

Christian Grey.

He tosses the pen on top of the documents and leans both hands on the edge of the table. His hot breath against my ear sends shivers down my spine.

"You're all mine now, Miss Steele," he growls softly then bites my earlobe. Hard. I gasp at the pain and the pleasure of it.

He bites into my neck and down to my shoulder, leaving behind a trail of fire. I moan softly and lean my head away, giving him purchase.

"Miss Steele, I don't suppose you've ever been restrained during sex before, hm?" I think he knows the answer to that one.

In a moment, he's wrapped my hair around his wrist and has pulled it back almost painfully. "Answer me," he seethes. I can see a complete change in his demeanor. He's serious. He's Dom Christian.

"No, I haven't, sir."

He relaxes his grip and smoothes my hair down my back gently.

"Stand up."

I stand up and place my napkin on the table.

He hands me a room keycard. "Suite 1001. I want you sitting on the leather couch in ten minutes." And like that he leaves the room.

I'm left standing panting and dripping wet alone in the dining room. Before I even have time to panic, our waiter returns with a note for me. He busies himself cleaning up the table while I open it. It only has one line of text in Christian's neat hand:

Wear only the shoes.

It's all I can do to keep from moaning out loud. I check my watch quickly. I'm guessing I only have about eight minutes left. Quick as I can in these heels, I scurry out of the room.

Christian is nowhere to be found, but that's not really surprising. What is surprising is that I feel his eyes on me. Somewhere. He's somewhere. I don't have time to focus on that. I carefully descend the stairs back into the main bar area and head for the lobby.

Once I'm back on the marble floor, I have to watch my step more carefully. The upstairs and the bar are both old hard wood so I didn't have to worry as much about slipping. I'm worried I'm going to lose my footing and break a bone in these heels. I finally reach the elevators and press the "up" button, checking my watch. I have just five minutes. Shit.

The elevator is not nearly as fast as I'd like it to be. This will give me no prep time once I'm in the suite. Finally, finally, the doors open on the tenth floor. I see Suite 1001 at the end of the hall and practically run to it. Two minutes. I of course fumble with the keycard but finally manage to get the door open.

Thankfully I've been in this suite before. Otherwise, I'd be losing time ogling at the size of it. Hell, I didn't realize it had a second bathroom when I was here last time! Jeez.

I disrobe as I walk, peeling my dress off and folding it neatly before leaving it on a chair in the corner. If our phone sex session the other night was any indication, Christian does not take kindly to clothes being strewn about. After taking off my necklace and putting it on the desk, I seat myself on the leather couch and check my watch. Less than a minute left. I cross my legs and and put my hands on my knees.

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