Chapter 10-Her Collection

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José calls me that afternoon while I'm at work.

"Hey, are we doing coffee?" He sounds like his old self. Thank god.

"Sure. I'm at work. Can you make it here, for, say, twelve?"

"See you then."

I'll say this, José is never late. He runs into the store and wraps me in a huge hug. "Ana," he smiles.

Something is different. He's the same. I swear he's the same. Maybe I'm different. I hope he can't tell. "Hi, José," I say, trying to sound casual, but my voice sounds totally different to my ears. More mature.

I let Mrs. Clayton know I'm heading out for lunch before we head to the coffee shop.

I order tea and a cheese sandwich, José gets a coffee and a muffin. He must have skipped breakfast. He never eats breakfast.

We find a nice table by the window. I forgot these chairs were plain wood seats. Memories of my dream flood back and I feel myself blushing. I feel something tighten deep inside of me. I'm so surprised by it that I plop myself onto the chair less than gracefully. The soreness in my ass makes me wince slightly.

"Are you alright, Ana?"

Shit. José must have seen. Shit. I suck at lying.

"Yeah, I fell in the bathroom yesterday. I'm just a little sore."

"Jesus, are you okay?"

I nod, hoping he'll drop it.

He eyes me for a moment then stares at his coffee.

"Do you really forgive me, Ana?" he murmurs to his oversized mug.

"José, you know I can never stay mad at you for long."

He grins stupidly at me. At least some things don't change.

I spend all of Tuesday packing and occasionally researching my new lifestyle — I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm committed.

I haven't seen Kate since Sunday night because her family is in town for graduation on Thursday. We plan to hang out during the day Wednesday. She said she'd help me finish off the waxing and then do a little shopping before my date that night. I'm getting more and more nervous as Tuesday evening rolls around, both about my dinner with Christian and about my daytime plans with Kate.

As I drift off to sleep, I check my phone one more time. I have a new text from Christian.

*Looking forward to dinner tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 6pm. See you then.*

I reply,

*I'm sure I'll see you sooner than that - in my dreams.*

Before I put my phone down, it pings. There's a new reply.

*I really can't wait to hear about this dream. Care to give me a preview?*

I smile to myself.

*I was tied to my bedroom chair wearing just your underwear*

I hit send and wait. I compose another one.

*And then you cut them off me and I was completely naked.*

I hesitate just a moment too long. A text from Kate pops up just as I hit send. Shit! I sent it to Kate.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I open her text.

*Does 10am work for our intimate waxing session? You haven't pussied out yet, have you?*

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