Chapter 11-A Skype How-To

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"So, Miss Steele, may I see this toy?"

I blush crimson and hold up Billie for him to see. A wicked smile spreads across his face.

"Alright Miss Steele, why don't you set that down on the bed for a moment. I don't think you've earned it yet."

I do as he says, surprised that I feel just a bit put out. I haven't earned it yet?

"Do as I say and I will reward you. Disobey and you will be punished. Do you understand, Miss Steele?"

I nod. I don't really know what else to do.

"Stand up, I want to see you." I do as I'm told, turning the screen to face me. In the corner of the screen, I can see myself from about my ankles up. "Now, take off your shirt." Okay, I guess this is starting. I grab the hem of my tank top and yank it over my head. "Slowly," he says forcefully. I stop completely with my elbows above my head and my shirt completely covering my face. I hear him hum. Finally, I manage to get loose of the damn shirt and stand there in my shorts and bra.

"Good," he says, fire glowing in his eyes. "Slowly, take off your bra." I keep my eyes on the screen, determined to be sexy, and unclasp the front of my bra. I open it and let it slide down my arms far more gracefully than I could have managed with a back-closing bra.

"You have perfect breasts, Miss Steele. I wish I could bite them," he says quietly. My breath catches and I feel a rolling sensation in my groin. "Touch them for me."

I feel awkward and gangly as I paw at my own chest. "No, no, stop," he orders, leaning forward. "Close your eyes. Now imagine I'm standing behind you." I think of the immense heat his body gives off and instantly imagine my back is burning up. "I'm running my hand up your arm and across your collarbone." I use my left hand to run along my skin as he described. I do it softly, barely touching. Electricity crackles in my hand's wake.

"Good. Then I slide my hand over your breast from above, letting my fingers wrap around all sides of it, lifting it, squeezing gently." I can't describe it — even though I know it's my own hand, it's so erotic imagining him touching me, listening to his words, knowing he's watching me.

"Now I take your nipple in my fingers and pinch it hard, twisting it slightly." I follow suit and hear myself yelp in surprise and pleasure.

"With my free hand, I grab at your other breast from below, squeezing and lifting, pinching and caressing." Both of my hands are kneading my breasts and I am moaning low. I know Kate can hear me and I find that makes me even hornier. I don't even know if I'm surprised by that anymore.

"Push them together and lick them, Miss Steele," he says. I dip my head and open my mouth, panting as I let my tongue drag across the tops of my breasts and down the line of cleavage I've created. It feels divine.

"Look at me, Miss Steele." I open my eyes and the fantasy is broken. Christian isn't touching me.

But it's all replaced with another fantasy, the one that's playing out in reality right now. Christian is dominating me. We're having video sex and I feel a carnal desire for him. I'm wet and I rub my thighs together to get some sort of comfort, still kneading my breasts and staring into his eyes.

"You look incredible, Miss Steele." He's panting, too. I am turning him on. "But you are wearing entirely too many clothes. Take off your shorts."

Releasing my breasts, I slide my hands down my torso and grab the waistband my shorts, pulling at them. I turn around seductively, getting really into it now, and bend at the waist, pulling my shorts down over my ass until they're at a puddle on the floor and my ass is completely bared to him. I know he's had this view before, but now I'm giving it to him without him asking. I hear his sudden intake of breath and turn around, standing up. I am completely naked and feeling incredibly hot.

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