Chapter 23- Stare Down

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By the time I get back to the table, the food has arrived and poor Ethan and Mr. and Mrs. Kavanagh are sitting politely not eating while their food gets cold.

Kate's still not back.

"I went to the ladies' room and couldn't find either of you," Mrs. Kavanagh says when I sit down. "Where did you two go?"

"We, uh," I hesitate. "We had a little fight. I'm sure Kate just went to get some air."

Ethan raises an eyebrow. "And where did you go?"

There's a knowing smirk on his face I can't say that I like.

"I got a drink at the bar. Sorry, Mr. Kavanagh."

Mr. K gives me a genuine smile. "And do you feel better?"

I smile back. "I definitely do."

After a couple minutes, we decide to dig into our food, tired of waiting for Kate to return. She rejoins us a few minutes later, tucking her phone back into her purse.

"Where'd you go?" Ethan asks, mouth half-full.

"I just had to make a phone call," she says. She lets her fingers graze my legs as she puts her napkin in her lap. She doesn't look at me.

"Calmed down?" Ethan says. Momentarily, Kate seems to panic as her hand stops midway to her knife. "So who's fault was it?"

I lean towards her. Now it's my turn to tease.

"It's all Kate's fault. She's the instigator. She just pushes my buttons." She looks at me, horror-stricken. I smile languidly at her. "Are you going to apologize to me for the fight we had in the bathroom?"

Her face transforms from one of surprise to a you'll-pay-for-this-later glare. "Well, you were a bit rough yourself," she says.

"Never would have happened if you hadn't been so touchy," I shoot back, jovially.

"When have I ever not been touchy? I thought it was one of the things you liked about me."

"Well, I'm not going to apologize," I say, putting on my best haughty air as I take another bite of my salmon. Damn, it's good.

"I won't either," she retorts, turning back to her steak.

"Women," Ethan sighs.

At the end of lunch, I thank the Kavanaghs and walk back to the apartment myself so Kate can have some time to say goodbye to them – and so I can have some time to call Christian. He picks up before the second ring.


"Mr. Grey," I answer, melting as I walk.

"How did it go?"

"Very well, sir." I blush, thinking back to our intense kiss.

"Did you do as I said?"

"Yes, Mr. Grey. She came in right when you said and I really only had one problem."

"What's that?"

I lower my voice as I pass an elderly couple on the sidewalk. "Well, I put her hands above her head like you said,"

"Yes?" He sounds... excited. Somehow that's making me even more aroused.

"And she tried to," I smile to the boy I pass. "Press her hips into me."

"It figures. How did you respond, Miss Steele?"

"I held her wrists with one hand and pushed her stomach against the wall with my other."

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