Chapter 7- Long and Awaited

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Reluctantly, I take the phone from her and hold it to my ear. She shoots me a mischievous look.

"Hello, Mr. Grey," I murmur into the phone.

"Miss Steele," his buttery voice begins. "Was that Miss Cavanagh?"

"Yes it was," I say, smiling back at my roommate before turning from her and standing up.

"Is she still there?"

"Yes she is, Mr. Grey."

"Well, in that case, please call me Christian."

Kate walks up behind me and with her warm, slick hands begins kneading my sore legs once again. I let out a surprised little squeak.


I smack Kate playfully on the arm.

"Sorry, yes, of course, Chrisitan." It really is a pleasure to say his name.

Kate's hands are still working my muscles slowly, so I turn to face her, an incredulous look on my face. I mouth "quit it" but she just grins back at me, now massaging the backs of my thighs, pulling me into her body slightly. It's infuriating.

"So, Christian," I manage to sound pleasant and light thankfully. "To what do I owe the honor of this call?"

"I just wanted to check in and make sure you were feeling alright."

Kate's fingers are creeping up my thighs towards that crease at the bottom of my butt she'd been playing with earlier. She giggles lightly. Dammit.

"I'm alright."

I try to wiggle out of her grip, but she is definitely a bit taller and a bit stronger than I am, so it's no use.

"You're not too sore?" He sounds genuinely concerned.

Kate starts running her finger tips along that sensitive spot slowly, like she'd done before, and a soft moan escapes my lips.


"Sorry, no, I'm not. It's okay."

"Are you alright? Is something the matter. You don't sound quite yourself."

My hips buck slightly into Kate's and she lets out a soft peal of laughter. It gives me goosebumps on my arms.

"Yes, it's... It's just Kate." I look straight into her eyes, which are half-moons from her gigantic smile. She's really enjoying this.

"Okay, well, don't let her tease you too much."

You have no idea, Christian Grey. "I'll try not to let her."

And just like that, Kate winks at me, leans in, and kisses me straight on the mouth before giving me a sharp smack on my already abused ass and walking away.

"To be honest, Miss Steele," I hear Christian in a small, far-away kind of voice say. "I called for another reason. Can you make an excuse and slip away to your bedroom?"

I stand there, open-mouthed for a moment before I come back to my senses. "Absolutely. Just a moment please."

I hold my hand over the receiver before pointing at her, whisper-yelling, "I'll deal with you later," and running my finger across my throat. I march off to my room, leaving her cleaning up the food, beer, wax, and lotion.

After I've firmly closed the door and turned on a little music so I won't be overheard by my overly curious, privacy-defying, incredibly sexy roommate, I sit down on my bed.

"Alright, Mr. Grey, how can I help you?"

I can practically hear him smile. "Good. Very good, Miss Steele." I'll admit, I'm so proud of myself that I've pleased him. "Now I'd like you to tell me what you are wearing at the moment."

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